Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 15 16:49:41 EDT 2021 | tqt
Thanks kumarb. Yes, we're going to have Trans-tec onsite service very soon.
Electronics Forum | Tue May 01 12:51:36 EDT 2001 | CAL
If there is anything I can help with - I am sure we can provide a service be it training, Lab services, Transition, Design, CAD, ESS,........you name it(does not hurt having 35 Scientistsand engineers on board). Touch base with me at cdriscoll@aci-co
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 04 17:57:18 EST 2004 | bobpan
Give some specifics.....Are you looking for on-sight programming? Version of Q-soft? Where are you located? Cad data or machine teaching?......(I happen to do both now).
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 15 15:57:39 EDT 2021 | kumarb
Here you go: https://we.tl/t-qQkEpE8H3p Suggest to also contact Trans-tec USA for any questions that you may have about this tool or any other. As an owner of the machine from Assembleon / Yamaha - they offer support. They have been great to suppo
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 06 10:18:38 EDT 2004 | J. Dyer
We are locvated in Peru, Indiana. Generally, we have some sort of CAD Data provided but no way of collecting centroid Data if it is not in the product files. We have had to do some teaching of parts over more than 300 placements in the past. If an
Electronics Forum | Tue May 31 22:16:24 EDT 2005 | hottipmfg
Hi, I'm new to this field. I'm looking for a third party software that can program the Zevatech FM720 Pick&Place machine. I know ScanCad provides service for this machine. Any knowledge to a reasonable cost software is appreciate very much. //Andrew
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 05 16:00:32 EST 2007 | vickt
Sami, Have you contacted Universal directly for assistance? You can contact your local service team, or contact them at GSMTechs@uic.com. There is also a set of online "Knowledge bases" that are at your access 24/7 if you are a UIC registered user.
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 26 17:28:29 EDT 2005 | davef
Not sure. Try: * ScanCAD International; P.O. Box 598, 19181 Highway 8, Morrison, CO 80465-0598; 303-697-8888 F 303-697-8580 info@scancad.com http://www.scancad.com * Artwork Conversion Software; 417 Ingalls St., Santa Cruz, CA 95060; 831-426-6163 F
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 10 17:28:51 EDT 2011 | aoiguy
So I actually tried that method as well. Took the P&P info that was provided to us in Mils, put together an excel formula sheet which converted all X,Y to mm which the aoi uses. Then came to the horrible conclusion that there was something in the cad
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 11 20:33:05 EST 1999 | Dave F
Michael: DIGITIZING BOARDS Yech!!! ScanCAD 303.986.7707fax7631 makes a Xerox copier-like thing to copy your board. But why not consider: 1 There are service bureaus that will scan and convert your boards. 2 Why don't you get the gerber data fr