Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 17 08:01:44 EST 2003 | stefwitt
The format is X,Y Theta of the component center for all placement machines. Gerber data can be useless, unless you have the reference from pin 1 to the component center. Some machines offer a CAD convertion tool. I don't know any machine, which can
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 16 09:55:53 EDT 2012 | sarason
You can try my package PCB Synergy. http://members.iinet.net.au/~sarason/ It can panelise many of the data formats it supports, but not all of them. If you mean panelise the PCB for manufacturing the board, then there are literally heaps of gerber
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 03 07:56:37 EDT 2013 | jlawson
Do you have JUKI 730EPU or 740EPU offline software ? Juki files are binary format , makes hard for any thirdparty cad conversion tools. JUKI HLC can handle these machines but I suspect not supported anymore for your age of machines NO third party s
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 02 16:26:32 EDT 2008 | jlawson
Valors new vPlan (Vplan Studio) Documentation System is fairly powerful and can read all major CAD/CAM formats and of course ODB++ which all major EDA software providers now support ODB++ output. Documentation can have picture files, AVI,s manual pla
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 19 08:57:26 EDT 2021 | sarason
The machines in CAD2CAD and the CAD2CAD format are all generated from PCBSynergy available here:- https://pcbsynergy.com sarason
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 03 09:13:23 EDT 2013 | dontfeedphils
I currently run the HLC software suite with a 750/760 line and another 2060 line. For the 750/760 line I have to stick with the older HLC, version 4.5 I believe, which I actually run inside of a Windows 98 virtual PC using a dongle emulator. The 20
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 16 11:33:38 EST 2020 | spoiltforchoice
For basic task like merging BOM with centroid file I use SMT-Maestro or my own tool that does the same thing. As with RobD above this gets your data into a fairly standard consistent format from where I would hope your Juki tools can take over. To cr
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 08 11:37:09 EDT 2008 | pjc
Yes, sure. In fact in some applications ICT is coming back. Mainly due to the fact that more and more SMT discrete components have no markings, so AOI cannot tell you if you have the correct value on the PCB. Fixed pin or flying probe ICT is a valuab
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 16 20:34:17 EST 2007 | davef
DAVE�S BOOKSHELF ASSEMBLER�S ESSENTIALS Title: Soldering in ElectronicsAuthor: RJ Klein WassinkPublisher: Electrochemical PublicationsISBN: 090115024XPublication date: December 1989 I know, I know. The book was written in 1989!!!! I use this b
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 02 10:38:02 EDT 2024 | spoiltforchoice
There are several solutions on forums & youtube for breaking up a cell into multiple rows. I have this macro in LibreOffice Calc for expanding ranges if only I knew how to format on this hideous forum software REM ***** BASIC ***