Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 02 08:30:24 EDT 1999 | Dan
Dave, You can get the ASCII formats directly from PADS, Mentor, and Orcad by becoming partners with them. They each have an alliance program you can join. Check out their websites. OrCAD can output GenCAD data directly now. Dan | Can any one s
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 24 20:34:54 EDT 2023 | stephendo
I think he means ascii format.
Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 02 00:22:44 EDT 2017 | ermani9
I have Solder Paste Inspection Machine of TRI make, which accepts the SMT pads CAD data in the .lst, .aoi, .srf or .asc formats only. Can any body suggest how to convert my existing data in .gbr or .gbx into the above reqd. formats. Pl suggest. Tha
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 22 03:13:56 EST 2016 | sarason
Try PCBSynergy. It does VIOS, both versions, can read 10 CAD formats does the Philips CAD2CAD interchange format(*.CAD)doesn't work from Gerber files but does interface to Visualplace which does, which in turn interfaces to PCBSynergy. PCBSynergy is
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 19 08:57:26 EDT 2021 | sarason
The machines in CAD2CAD and the CAD2CAD format are all generated from PCBSynergy available here:- https://pcbsynergy.com sarason
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 07 18:44:27 EDT 2011 | emrtech
would anyone be able to help and provide the macros for convert CAD files to TPSys format?
Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 30 04:25:57 EDT 2024 | sarason
There is a Chinese software product called "Programming" from Ealead. https://ealead-e.ucoz.com/index/eps/0-10 The Ealead software makes spliting your product over a multi-machine line, even if they are not from the same manufacturer easy! My soft
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 10 16:18:57 EST 2000 | omar_verdugo
Hi Mike McMonagle. You can download the CAD Interface from www.unicam.com for that Kind of CAD Format but you must to have current maintenance contracts. Best Regards. Omar.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 20 13:10:45 EDT 2013 | dontfeedphils
Is there a quick way to tell what type of CAD file a file is by the file extension? (My current software doesn't have the ability to scan through the files I have for CAD data, only gerbers and drill files).
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 08 11:13:02 EDT 2013 | dontfeedphils
In your experience, what is the most popular CAD package in use today? Also, does anyone have an automated and/or quick way of counting the solder points on an assembly based on either gerbers or CAD data?