Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 03 07:56:37 EDT 2013 | jlawson
Do you have JUKI 730EPU or 740EPU offline software ? Juki files are binary format , makes hard for any thirdparty cad conversion tools. JUKI HLC can handle these machines but I suspect not supported anymore for your age of machines NO third party s
Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 13 23:41:31 EDT 2016 | sarason
Download PCBSynergy which is located here. http://members.iinet.net.au/~sarason/ It has outputs for the KE750,KE760 and 2080 from Juki It will read a large number of CAD formats. Including Altium PCBDOC, and Protel PCB and all the variants inbetwe
Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 30 04:25:57 EDT 2024 | sarason
There is a Chinese software product called "Programming" from Ealead. https://ealead-e.ucoz.com/index/eps/0-10 The Ealead software makes spliting your product over a multi-machine line, even if they are not from the same manufacturer easy! My soft
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 17 21:23:08 EDT 2018 | sarason
My program PCBSynergy will program your Juki from ALtium/Protel, Eagle, Kicad, PCBCSV files,Cadstar, GenCAD, PCAD, PADS and a few others still being written It can be found here:- https//:pcbsynergy.com sarason
Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 17 09:48:05 EDT 2018 | sarason
I presume the dongles you talk about are for an application called HLC from JUKI. The 2 different versions are for the later 2000 and 3300 and FX series the other key for the older 700 series. There is another way to solve your problem. AN applicatio
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 05 05:42:23 EDT 2013 | sarason
The software for the machine or the CAD conversion (Flexprog)? regards sarason
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 03 09:13:23 EDT 2013 | dontfeedphils
I currently run the HLC software suite with a 750/760 line and another 2060 line. For the 750/760 line I have to stick with the older HLC, version 4.5 I believe, which I actually run inside of a Windows 98 virtual PC using a dongle emulator. The 20
Electronics Forum | Tue May 02 23:34:26 EDT 2006 | Frank
The 2060RE model that I have can do an 18"x20" board. I think the Mydata can do larger. Juki did tell me that next year they will release a machine that will do larger boards but didn't specify on how big. The 2060RE can do 0201 up to 74mm square
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 18 09:31:47 EST 2018 | Robl
Hi All, Has anyone had any luck with gang picking the same part on Juki 2060 or FX1R's? Example: 100nf 0402, we can pick this part simultaneously from 8 feeders at once on our Yamaha's (or 12 on the old Sapphires), but on the Juki's we don't seem t
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 18 05:34:50 EDT 2012 | sarason
Juki are marvelous machines. Don't know about the MPAG3. If you need to load files into the Juki my program PCB Synergy can generate the 730 , 750 and 760 Juki files. From memory the 740 can read one of these formats. If not I can add it in. For th