Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 05 11:59:13 EDT 2001 | mparker
thanx mucho
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 28 13:46:46 EDT 2001 | mparker
To clarify on "Opportunities"- With 1000 components, the opportunities are far greater than 1000. You have 1 opportunity per component for a component defect i.e. bent lead, damaged part, tested bad, etc. You have a second opportunity per component
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 28 12:05:42 EDT 2001 | mparker
The advantage of DPMO is that the numbers used are PPM, (Part Per Million), rather than percentage. Percentage can distort, depending on volume. For instance, 100 units processed, 25 defects found = 75 percent yield. 4 units processed, 1 defect found
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 27 19:24:00 EDT 2001 | sharafali
It has been mentioned that DPMO offers large advantages over First Pass yield calculations for measuring process performance!!regarding the same I have a few queries: What are the benchmarks for using DPMO as measures of process performance? How is
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 04 14:13:56 EDT 2001 | mparker
Brian - do you have any more info regarding the in-process DPMO? Is there a working standard number to reference? What commitee is working on this?
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 12 20:50:26 EDT 2001 | davef
Look at "DPMO: A Tool For Achieving World-Class Process Quality" Charles-Henri Mangin, SMT magazine, 8/00, p 77-78
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 05 08:22:48 EDT 2001 | davef
Jack Crawford, IPC Director of Assembly Standards and Technology says "IPC-7912 is used for end-item DPMO calculation; one gathering of DPMO data at the end of the entire assembly process. IPC-9261 will be used throughout the manufacturing process so
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 28 16:44:27 EDT 2001 | davef
Several points are: * Some may argue that DPMO is peculiar and specific. That�s why IPC-7912 states �Users of this document are cautioned when comparing one manufacturer�s indices to one another due to differences in assembly complexity and the amou
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 13 13:29:06 EDT 2001 | mparker
Dave et al, I just print out and read a copy of the aforementioned recommended article. Mr. Mangin gives a clear picture of why DPMO is to be considered a more pure data than First Pass Yield (FPY). However, I must note that his interpretation of h
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 04 13:41:52 EDT 2001 | Brian W.
IPC7912 deals with the end result, ie an OEM getting boards from a contract manufacturer. I have a friend who is sitting on these committees. He tells me there is a new standard due out for actually doing in-process DPMO. From a process standpoint