Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 02 10:26:13 EDT 2010 | fishingfool
Manjunath The top camera will be used for probably 90-95% of your inspection needs. However, without side cameras that 5-10% of uninspected parts can be a real pain to manually verify. What you need to figure out is what is your product to inspe
Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 25 08:45:00 EDT 2018 | jacobidiego
Normally some random components of size 0604 or below and may be due to a thermal mass being close like a transformer or AC electrolytic caps. We tried changing fan speed, but this will change the thermal profile and avoid the thermal mass from bein
Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 09 20:00:04 EST 2021 | oxygensmd
I had similar issue on S20 two times. The portal2/gantry2 have camera image? Have working camera system - if other camera ok, PCB camera will be the problem. Have camera screen on BE/Components camera? Have iCOS PC working. - Check the camera conn
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 07 03:32:19 EST 2021 | ravikumargv
Dear All, In S27HM siplace machine PCB camera images not display and when i try to teach feeder potion or fiducial position PCB camera light is glowing but, images not showing in monitor, kindly help what is the root cause for this issues... Regard
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 07 03:34:24 EST 2021 | ravikumargv
Attached Image FYR....
Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 10 05:40:27 EST 2019 | compit
It turned out that only SF heads support "fine" mode, while FNC does not. Probably because above the FNC nozzle there is a "circle" rotating the nozzles, and in fine mode it can interfere with the reflection of the camera light - the element is lower
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 23 13:01:11 EDT 2019 | compit
I have a single-view camera on a Topaz-X machine. When I define a connector type element - it displays messages like in attached files. If I change the type to IC - no problem. There is also no problem when "learning&quot
Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 09 20:11:43 EST 2019 | richardcargill
I suspect configuration too. From memory, only certain heads are assignable as 'Fine'. Changing this parameter in the component data to Standard or QFP will most likely cure this as any head will accept those two options
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 18 11:26:22 EST 2017 | dilogic
Is there something special to care about while reflowing CMOS camera chips? They are pretty reflective on the surface, so I guess IR-type oven is not the best choice...
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 19 11:10:13 EST 2017 | rgduval
I'd start by checking the manufacturers documentation, and seeing if they have any application notes regarding reflow recommendations for the part. But, in general, make sure to bake the parts prior to assembly, they are notoriously moisture-sensiti