Electronics Forum: can aoi verify mil placement (Page 1 of 2)

Quad 4C part placement rejection

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 15 14:01:00 EST 2011 | olddog

Well, everything WAS going OK until I started setting up for a board job (40 boards with about 450 components each - many image repeats). We setup 37 feeders with their parts and started defining the pickups and placements. Part #1 is an SOD123 zener

What is a typical SMT placement defect rate?

Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 21 15:48:48 EDT 2014 | gascon5383

Our company has a process standard that requires a double person check at the beginning of every run (size of run is irrelevent, whether 20 panels or 500 panels). Every changeover that occurs a first piece inspection is made before reflow. If all is

Re: Placement tolerance

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 30 22:43:36 EST 1999 | dean

| Does anyone know of a contract manufacturing house that can guarantee smt component placement and can verify placement of +/-.015? | | Thanks in advance | Question: mm, inches, or mils? I can do it. However, what is your reliability level? 9

Re: Is AOI any good

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 23 09:35:35 EDT 2000 | JAX

Andy, AOI is a worth-while tool for verifying part placement on those pesky little telecommunication boards that are too small for referance designators. It can also be a valuable verification step to reinforce quality control. Pros and Cons o

Quality control in manufacturing

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 23 12:58:16 EDT 2011 | emeto

Hello everyone, we are contract manufacturer and I am wondering if we can save some time from inspection and verification. We will usually inspect the bare boards, then, verify program to BOM, then feeders to BOM and Feeders to program,then paste ins

Older AOI Inspection Systems

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 15 21:16:57 EDT 2018 | comatose

Be careful about used AOIs, some of the companies have truly outrageous registration fees (ten, fifteen grand) without which you can't get support or parts. 2d AOI is of pretty limited utility other than detecting a wrongly mounted reel during plac

Excess Flux in uBGA rework

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 24 17:38:18 EDT 2001 | mparker

First question - do you have a rework station? If so, are you experiencing the same type of failures there? I have successfully used no-clean on uBGA's in the past. 6 mil solder bumps, 10 mil spacing. 88 sites. Are you reusing previously soldered uB

AOI, Quality and SPC

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 04 17:27:07 EST 2003 | msivigny

Hello Dave, I can understand why you might not use the auto-correct function based on the time it takes to perform the operation. I question why there is an auto-correct function in the first place? If I understand the way this works correctly, the m

Component soldering strength ?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 30 18:07:22 EDT 2001 | mparker

Kenny- there are a few standards by IPC and EIA that address the strength of solder. A pull test (which is a destructive test) will average 1500 PSI per joint. My concern is that you are wanting to increase solder volume for an 0805 component by inc

Component soldering strength ?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 30 21:31:19 EDT 2001 | kennyhktan

Kenny- there are a few standards by IPC and EIA > that address the strength of solder. A pull test > (which is a destructive test) will average 1500 > PSI per joint. > > My concern is that you are > wanting to increase solder volume for an 0805

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