Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 12 02:49:12 EST 2010 | smellew
CC if this works good, MCS & F4G cables are different also different to the Host cable i gave you before. do you have setup manuals? regards llew
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 12 12:58:42 EST 2010 | smellew
CC is a must. IIS must be installed & setup on windows regards Llew
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 26 05:03:56 EDT 2017 | ariss_t
hi.. try offset the gantry home point.. if cant then.. phewww...
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 07 20:43:59 EST 2017 | youngbuck
Does anyone know if there is a way around replacing the entire y axis tape measure scale for one scratch in it ,it can't read.Ive changed reader, y axis servo cards, taxis reader card.Any help would be appreciated.Thank you.
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 11 18:51:49 EST 2010 | rodrigo
Hi All, I'm setting up the F4G software for our line (currently using MCS30). I made an adapter to connect the CP4 line (that was connected to the MCS30) to the PC. Then I tried to transmit a program but I keep getting this error: 41A27F9D: Error o
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 12 12:19:28 EST 2010 | rodrigo
What do you mean by "check if F4G is connecting to CC...". The CC DOS windows shows up when I login the PC so does the remote shell daemon. The CC DOS windows says a bunch of stuff does has been woken. I didn't install the FTP stuff. I didn't think I
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 12 19:40:42 EST 2010 | rodrigo
I posted the message below on Friday and today Monday I started looking at the problem again. We have a computer with a setup that works. It is the original PC we bought with the F4G but it is set up for a machine we do now have ,IP3. I was looking a
Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 21 17:41:05 EDT 2023 | basil_rv
Hi all! While operating the JUKI JX-350LED, error E600016 (Since the Z-axis is descending, it cannot operate) appeared. During initialization, this error appears, although all heads are raised. Rebooting and turning off the heads did not help. Wha
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 19 08:51:49 EDT 2002 | davef
Try this: * Remove PTH components that cannot resist baking like, plastic sockets & electrolytic capacitors. [NOTE: It may be econonomic to sacrifice some of the PTH components that cannot resist baking.] * Bake the board. * Remove, reball, and repla
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 18 11:52:25 EDT 2008 | leemeyer
I am looking for some sources for a reuseable thermocouple probe. We do small prototype runs and many times cannot afford to be scrapping boards for profiling. I am looking for a probe that will clamp to a pcb or pcb carrier and allow me to manipulat