Electronics Forum: carbon fibre surface activation (Page 1 of 1)

Re: Bump Dies Solder Integrity

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 18 20:10:09 EDT 2000 | Dave F

Hey Bud: Thanks for the response the other day. We currently use "Jeff�s Method #2: The Drummel Tool." Short answer to your brother is ... yes, probably. Expanding a bit: � It would be surprising not to use a flux to help reflow the solder balls

Air bubbles in solder joints

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 30 16:05:08 EST 2002 | msimkin

Hi, I have received a report form a board supplier, analysing the reuslts form non wetting problems we have been expereincing with their boards. I assumed it was due to the gold layer being too thin, thus allowing the nicklel layer to be exposed and


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