Electronics Forum | Tue May 25 18:03:38 EDT 2004 | fastek
Also CP-7's have that feeder carriage quick change option which allows you to pull out the whole feeder carriage via a quick change cart and replace it with another one.
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 11 11:42:14 EDT 2004 | Claude_Couture
hum, I see no problem for your people supporting any line that can run this speed. If your chip shooters are the dual feeder carriage kind, you must run them in replace mode, when one feeder runs out in one carriage, it parks it and continues running
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 20 14:20:44 EDT 2006 | Rafael
Dear all, Does anyone know how can I duplicate feeders in the same carriage of the HSP? The issue is: 2 sequenced feeders (101 and 102, for example) with the same part numbers. I need that, when feeder 101 ends, the machine should pick the componen
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 05 10:50:06 EDT 1998 | Jim Price
| Does anyone have an idea of what a good placement rate (pph) is for a low volume, high mix smt line? We do small lots (10-300pcs), with a feeder count that ranges from 28 to 130 per setup. We have low volume machines (an old (real old) Siemens HS-1
Electronics Forum | Fri May 16 12:14:04 EDT 2003 | pjc
The UIC HSP (Sanyo), like Panasonic MV MS and Fuji CP, are random access turret type chip-shooters. Having a split carriage, typically 2x 60, 2x 70 or 2x 80 input carriage tables, allows for faster changeovers provided you have enough positions on ea
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 09 16:25:26 EDT 2001 | meowen
Unfortunately 95% of our runs require both sides of our Universal HSP's. We also have carts that hold one carriage worth of feeders on each side. Parts that carry over from one product to the next are flagged and relocated in the machine per the ne
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 01 19:23:41 EST 2007 | SWAG
I could be wrong but I think the use for alternate feeder axis is a way of stopping the carriage so it does not always return to home every time an error condition exist. Saves on time and wear and tear on the machine. As for alternate carriage, I
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 06 19:28:35 EST 1999 | Michael Allen
Actually, the capability does exist, even on chip shooters w/ feeder carriages. We've been using Sanyo's cassette feeder on their turret machine (TCM3500) for over a year with 0603 caps. I don't know about Fuji or Panasonic. | I'm not sure I'm off
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 09 14:59:52 EDT 2001 | slthomas
That's what we do with our MSHII's...setup one carriage offline while the other one runs. We also have setup carts to load the feeders ahead of time and haul them out to the lines. Of course, when we exceed the carriage capacity of 75 slots for an
Electronics Forum | Sat May 29 15:58:37 EDT 2004 | Patrick Tarell ... Automation Engineering Jabil Circuit
Hello Alan! We have used both chipshooters, we also have a Mydata with the hydra head... We switched entirely from Fuji CP7 to the UIC HSP4796 and now HSP4797. The CP7 is a nice machine but we were very unhappy with the support structure within Fu