Electronics Forum: cast aluminum (Page 1 of 1)

Large Area Stencil Printing

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 19 11:58:49 EDT 2008 | davef

Four Points supplies materials to stencil fabricators. Four Points, SMT Stencil Supply: Standard Frame Sizes 8" x 10" I.D. Cast Aluminum 12" x 12" I.D. Cast Aluminum 15" x 15" I.D. Cast Aluminum 12" x 17" I.D. Cast Aluminum 15" x 15" I.D. Cast Alu

Printing On Aluminum

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 20 09:15:10 EDT 2003 | John S

My company is developing a product that will require solder paste to be printed on a piece of cast aluminum. The surface of the casting is not completely flat. It has been recommended that one way to work around this might be to use a screen instea

Printing On Aluminum

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 20 18:07:13 EDT 2003 | davef

If you desire fairly uniform paste deposits, consider dispensing your solder paste. Neither a screen, nor a stencil will conform to the rough surface commonly seen in cast aluminum blocks, as you mention. Just out of curiosity: * What flux type and

Stencil Printer?

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 13 11:02:46 EST 2009 | isd_jwendell

I use the LPKF model S. Operator uses a urethane(?) squeegee. Pressure and speed are controlled by the operator, which hasn't been a problem for me. The only problem I had was that I would forget to raise the PCB before I would start to squeegee the

Re: Stencils Universal?

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 15 15:47:51 EST 1999 | Steve Schrader

| Are stencils universal from one printer to another? We are looking into the possibility of going from Solderprint 1414 manual printer to a more automated printer. We are also considering bringing some boards we currently outsource in house. I w

Re: Stencils Universal?

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 15 18:42:35 EST 1999 | Dean

| | Are stencils universal from one printer to another? We are looking into the possibility of going from Solderprint 1414 manual printer to a more automated printer. We are also considering bringing some boards we currently outsource in house. I


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