Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 18 09:58:27 EDT 1998 | Chrys
| | | | Hi Folks, | | | Need to draw upon the vast expertise in this forum... | | | Whenever you fill a new wave solder machine with fresh bar solder, it seems to produce more than the normal amount of dross for a few weeks. I always understood thi
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 17 12:10:57 EDT 1998 | Steve Gregory
| | Hi Folks, | | Need to draw upon the vast expertise in this forum... | | Whenever you fill a new wave solder machine with fresh bar solder, it seems to produce more than the normal amount of dross for a few weeks. I always understood this to be t
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 22 22:18:12 EDT 2004 | davef
Notes from an AIM No-Lead Presentation ... Wave Soldering * May require a higher pot temperature than tin/lead: 255-265*C * May require a change in liquid fluxes to compensate for the poor wetting of some alloys and high thermal stresses of the wave
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 27 15:46:28 EST 2009 | jrr3434
Would i be able to use the cast iron pot from my electrovert with out any problems? I thought the tin would dissolve the iron in the pot? This lead free thing is a headache!
Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 19 11:31:51 EST 2005 | fastek
Electrovert provides a lead free retro fit kit for your Econopak Gold machine...as long as you have a cast iron solder pot. $10K-$12K for the kit.
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 10 03:15:43 EST 2008 | meritajs
We have had expierience to convert our wave solder machine EPK1(1995g)with cast iron solder pot for lead free SN100.It runs about year and half now without problem.
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 24 18:54:36 EST 2009 | gregoryyork
Some companies claimed their lead free solders wouldnt attack stainless steel, frankly they do and they should not be allowed to get away with these claims. Lead Free does not attack Cast iron
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 24 19:17:29 EST 2009 | gregoryyork
It could be that the Sn96 has dissolved the Tin rapidly and gone for the Copper. What dwell times are they using with the irons? Probably better off using a Tin Copper alloy for reduced dissolution worth a try Cheers Greg
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 15 11:13:24 EDT 2004 | pjc
Sn corrosion effects were studied for stainless steels, coated stainless steels, titanium, cast iron, and other materials. This study can be found in the SMT Library under "Equipment Impacts of Lead-Free Soldering" Electrovert uses a Melonite coating
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 15 16:04:23 EDT 2001 | davef
First, responding to your question � Several things on copper dissolution in solder are: * A 50um copper wire will dissolve in 60Sn / 40Pb solder at: - 200�C solder in 55 seconds; - 250�C solder in 20 seconds; - 300�C solder in 5 seconds; - 350�C so