Electronics Forum: causes of missing part panasonic (Page 1 of 1)

Re: Pros and Cons of Panasonic MV series chipshooter ?????

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 15 14:44:01 EDT 1998 | Steve Schrader

| I am thinking of purchasing a Panasonic MV series chipshooter. If you own a Panasonic MV machine I would like to hear what you like and dislike about it. Is the service good? Are spare parts readily availiable? Does Panasonic support and follow up

Re: Losing parts in wave

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 06 08:49:22 EDT 1999 | Mark

| | I hope that someone can help me with my problem! I am experiencing a lot of glued on parts falling off in the wave solder machine. A little information about my process: 1)We use Loctite 3609 glue that is used up long before its shelf life 2)Ou


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