Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 28 10:51:51 EDT 2006 | SWAG
http://www.brigarelectronics.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=BE∏uct_Code=GP-MF552&Category_Code=C Seems to be working well. I didn't remove the housing from the machine = recal. The placements are right on, it's just a bit out of f
Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 25 21:01:57 EDT 2010 | m79d
Hi all our IP1(1993)is not reading the board fiducials, the light comes on at the fid camera and stay on and the machine just hangs. Need to press the emergency stop button to go any further and screen says 'mark not readable'. None of the bulbs h
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 18 17:43:57 EST 2003 | JD
Good evening all, I have recently gotten rid of our old SRT rework station because of lack of use. Before dumping however I took the CCD camera and monitor in the hopes of turning it into a board inspection station. However, the camera and monitor
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 19 08:12:11 EDT 2009 | stepheniii
Some digital cameras absorb IR light that is invisible to us. It's standard for digital cameras to put an IR filter in front of the CCD. Maybe your machine doesn't have such a filter for it's CCD or it isn't 100% effective. I will have to ask out
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 06 10:56:32 EST 2005 | Rob
If the Leds are not in close proximity then LDR's can be used connected to a node on the ICT/wired into a micro for a simpler board - you can then test for luminous intensity as well as absence. Else you could use a cheap CCD camera with some simple
Electronics Forum | Thu May 26 06:04:49 EDT 2005 | johnw
Hi Guys I have had this fault and it was traced to the ccd power module on the camera Zsolt I think I know you drop me a mail Tatabanya
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 28 09:54:13 EDT 2006 | cuculi54986@yahoo.com
SWAG, where did you get your replacement CCD? We've got a camera lying around that we could do some work on so we'd have a spare.
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 26 03:00:43 EDT 2010 | fujiphil
Check the following... 1. Set the fiducial reading to SCAN... 2. Clean the half mirror of the fiducial camera... 3. Check the CCD Camera...maybe blown fuse inside. Hope this will help.... Good luck....
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 11 11:07:04 EDT 2012 | wbtimms
take a look at http://www.tri.com.tw linear motors side cameras 3 ccd camera technology
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 05 10:28:48 EST 2016 | paperbackryder
there is (or was), a CCD camera option to enable component heights up to 11mm part over part.