Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 06 13:12:17 EST 2005 | sk
Hello, I use Siemens MS128 & HS180. I need to place a lot of TO-252AA, SOT223, ... components. At the moment I use only mechanical centering but I want to center these components opticaly. There is no problem to center chips and other symetrical com
Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 15 18:07:18 EST 1998 | Scott McKee
| I am beginer in BGA assembly and am confused in selection of pick and place option. As per book on 'implementation of BGA Technology-by 1995 aeic inc. states that BGAs reflow is quite forgiving and you need only Mechanical centering of PBGAs. The I
Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 14 13:33:10 EST 1998 | ashok dhawan
| I am beginner in BGA assembly and am confused in selection of centering method on pick and place operation.. As per book on 'implementation of BGA Technology-by 1995 aeic inc. states that BGAs reflow is quite forgiving and you can use Mechanical c
Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 14 13:28:47 EST 1998 | ASHOK DHAWAN
I am beginer in BGA assembly and am confused in selection of pick and place option. As per book on 'implementation of BGA Technology-by 1995 aeic inc. states that BGAs reflow is quite forgiving and you need only Mechanical centering of PBGAs. The IPC
Electronics Forum | Fri May 30 08:24:08 EDT 2008 | cyber_wolf
The nozzles get centered at zero degrees and 180 degrees. I believe the yellow asterisk is the measurement at zero degrees, when it rotates to 180 is when you will get a red X or a green O. (In other words the yellow asterisk is normal) I think you
Electronics Forum | Fri May 30 09:50:04 EDT 2008 | jdengler
Another sticky issue is that if you use after market nozzles especially mixed in with Fuji nozzles the Anti-Marking Illumination Disks can be different enough that the vision system will reject nozzles. Jerry
Electronics Forum | Fri May 30 09:53:19 EDT 2008 | cyber_wolf
"Another sticky issue is that if you use after market nozzles especially mixed in with Fuji nozzles the Anti-Marking Illumination Disks can be different enough that the vision system will reject nozzles. Jerry " Thats what I meant when I said they
Electronics Forum | Fri May 30 10:18:34 EDT 2008 | jdengler
I've had some that under normal light they looked the same but when the UV light hit them they were very different.
Electronics Forum | Fri May 30 11:58:16 EDT 2008 | fredc
The right paper incorrectly applied can be a problem also. I have seen it on even new Fuji nozzles with the illumination disk bunched up on one side of the tube with a gap on the opposite side.
Electronics Forum | Thu May 29 14:57:26 EDT 2008 | rodrigo
Hi all, Is it normal for some of the small nozzles to be rejected by the wide view camera? Every time I do a nozzle centering the narrow view camera shows green circles for nozzles 1,2,3,4. The larger ones (5 and 6) show the asterisk. The wide view c