Electronics Forum: central processer board (Page 1 of 450)

board stretch and IPC -D-300G

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 12 16:14:47 EST 2001 | davef

Yes!!! How can we assemble boards with 20 pitch when we allow 0.008� error to the master art? Excellent question!!! IPC-D-300G has nothing to do with assembler requirements. It is written by and for fabricators, so that they can be comfortable.

board shearer

Electronics Forum | Thu May 20 10:00:26 EDT 1999 | Jason Gregory

Please, someone, help! Our board shearer died. Please can someone direct me to where I can pick up a used board shearer? Jason Gregory Process Tech. Tadiran Microwave Networks (281)263-6671 jasong@microwavenetworks.com

Profiling board

Electronics Forum | Mon May 27 18:51:17 EDT 2002 | harotec

Hi Yngwie Have you got a reflow oven yet. If not, forget about complicated profiling with test runs or reflow trackers. We've got a nice oven with integrated temperature-feedback system. You build any profile you want and the oven will adjust its hea

Profiling board

Electronics Forum | Thu May 23 14:35:40 EDT 2002 | pjc

There are instruments from ECD, KIC and Datapaq that are used in addition to classic profiling for oven thermal management and they also have some very efficient prediction software for profiling. I am not an advocate of common profiles. Most boards

Aluminium board

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 31 14:28:20 EDT 2007 | karkanov

Hello, On customer want to make a aluminium board. It will have SMD Led on it. Like I never "played" with this before can someone tell me what I know to know on that new thing. What kind of reflow profile we need. What just I be aware of, is

Profiling board

Electronics Forum | Thu May 23 12:27:53 EDT 2002 | johnw

yngwie, are you getting a wave from the customer to say it's not your fault you fried the parts? Profiling's one of those things that is a pain to dobut it's one of the most important factors in the assembly processes. I've read and seen instances w

Profiling board

Electronics Forum | Thu May 23 13:00:51 EDT 2002 | cyber_wolf

One more thing I want to add. Don't turn this into some big deal. Its not atom splitting, or black majic.Bottom line is that you are going to be doing some experiments to prove it to yourself and whomever else requires the data. Profiling is time con

Wire to board soldering

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 20 07:51:21 EDT 2006 | Chunks

What is your process? Wave solder, hand solder, pin in paste?

board delaminated after reflow

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 08 09:28:25 EDT 2009 | swag

We had the exact same problem in early stages of lead-free. Very random positions of defect + some boards were 100% O.K. and others were an explosion of what I see in your picture. Turned out to be bad processing/materials from board house. I'm do

smt on flexible board

Electronics Forum | Sun Dec 19 10:02:55 EST 1999 | ron chua

Hi, how to ensure flexible boards do not warp after reflow and still remain flat for subsequent operations. What is the best way to hold and transport these strips from one process to another. Thanks!

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