Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 20 14:35:44 EDT 2006 | pms
We use CircuitCam for MyData off-line machine programming, it's wonderful and I don't know how we did without it. But, it's pricey.
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 06 09:51:23 EDT 2005 | Jack
Doug, It always seems easier to fix one or two problems by eye at the time. The real problem comes when the customer wants the same board run again later. You're okay if you saved the corrected placement routine, but if you end up moving the job t
Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 04 10:02:53 EST 2017 | mikekeens
GC-PowerPlace from http://www.graphicode.com/ will do this but takes time to get to grips with and can be time consuming depending on the design complexity and the type of data available. Ideally i recommend asking for CAD data as this will contain
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 11 10:12:23 EST 2006 | ratsalad
I've used an old version (maybe 7 or 8 years old) of GC-Place to convert gerber to centroid data. It is semi-automatic. If I remember correctly we'd start by selecting the pads for the largest components first. The software would find matching gro
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 24 12:41:18 EST 2014 | mi
Depending on what X-Y centroid / CAD data you need, there are different SW I've used to do the job. If you need PCB gerber "artwork" (rounds, rectangles, lines, squares,...geometric figures), you can use GraphicCode GC-Place & such - load the gerber
Electronics Forum | jayjjackson |
Mon Jan 20 12:57:36 EST 2014
Electronics Forum | dexter11233 |
Sat Feb 15 15:00:16 EST 2014
Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 15 15:01:06 EST 2014 | dexter11233
At my company we have to capture centroid data from gerber information on almost a daily basis, so tinkering and toying with quicker and easier methods of getting the job done are fairly common place with us. As stated by Richard Larue UniSofts cad
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 30 18:55:20 EDT 2015 | hawaii11
You can generate XY Centroid, from Gerber files using FAB 3000 V7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSHwBJ5u3uo www.fab3000.com www.numericalinnovations.com
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 26 14:21:17 EST 2014 | heatherc
Aegis Software has multiple solutions that will do this - http://www.aiscorp.com