Electronics Forum: centroid data from geber (Page 1 of 7)

Re: where can i get the geber formats?

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 28 08:19:58 EST 1998 | Earl Moon

| | Your question seems vague and very general. Gerber formatting is nothing more than describing points in an X-Y plane. It may be provided via CAD design capabilities or by manual means that has been digitized. Gerber data is "dumb" - meaning i

what software is out there that will extract XY centroid from gerber data?

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 04 10:02:53 EST 2017 | mikekeens

GC-PowerPlace from http://www.graphicode.com/ will do this but takes time to get to grips with and can be time consuming depending on the design complexity and the type of data available. Ideally i recommend asking for CAD data as this will contain

what software is out there that will extract XY centroid from gerber data?

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 28 03:34:21 EST 2014 | jlawson

MSS Valor Process Preparation, also has great gerber processing... http://www.mentor.com/pcb-manufacturing-assembly/products/valor-mss-process-preparation But as stated gerber was never intended to cope with assembly data only fabrication hence not

what software is out there that will extract XY centroid from gerber data?

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 24 12:41:18 EST 2014 | mi

Depending on what X-Y centroid / CAD data you need, there are different SW I've used to do the job. If you need PCB gerber "artwork" (rounds, rectangles, lines, squares,...geometric figures), you can use GraphicCode GC-Place & such - load the gerber

what software is out there that will extract XY centroid from gerber data?

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 19 15:16:35 EST 2014 | jlawson

Gerber in general is not best data set for assembly, alot of processing has to be done, manually or via software tools, all with their nice features, but as you state there is no actual datum XY , pin 1 , rotation references thus has to be 'generated

what software is out there that will extract XY centroid from gerber data?

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 30 18:55:20 EDT 2015 | hawaii11

You can generate XY Centroid, from Gerber files using FAB 3000 V7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSHwBJ5u3uo www.fab3000.com www.numericalinnovations.com

what software is out there that will extract XY centroid from gerber data?

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 05 09:54:16 EST 2014 | bradlanger

There is a lower cost solution out there from Numerical Innovations Called Fab 3000 Professional.

what software is out there that will extract XY centroid from gerber data?

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 26 14:21:17 EST 2014 | heatherc

Aegis Software has multiple solutions that will do this - http://www.aiscorp.com

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