Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 20 11:44:40 EDT 2006 | sliebl
Anyone using Circuit Cam? We too are looking for a gerber/centroid converter. I used the demo of GraphiCode GC-PowerPlace and it works, but seems cumbersome. It's also difficult to substantiate the large capital cost of these programs without being v
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 16 06:59:07 EDT 2006 | timnop
I have been using Unisoft for many years. Works great. http://www.unisoft-cim.com
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 20 11:37:24 EDT 2006 | avalancher
If i'm not mistaken, wasn't this 'Unicam' at one point in time?
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 12 10:13:43 EDT 2006 | kevinjm
Hi all, I'm looking to buy a new gerber converter, which will convert to centroid. This is all we need it to do, nothing fancier, and we don't want to spend a fortune on it either, around about 1000 euro. If anyone knows of such a product please get
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 13 08:08:32 EDT 2006 | davef
Search the fine SMTnet Archives. For instance: http://www.smtnet.com/forums/Index.cfm?CFApp=1&Message_ID=39586
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 20 14:35:44 EDT 2006 | pms
We use CircuitCam for MyData off-line machine programming, it's wonderful and I don't know how we did without it. But, it's pricey.
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 30 18:55:20 EDT 2015 | hawaii11
You can generate XY Centroid, from Gerber files using FAB 3000 V7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSHwBJ5u3uo www.fab3000.com www.numericalinnovations.com
Electronics Forum | jayjjackson |
Mon Jan 20 12:57:36 EST 2014
Electronics Forum | dexter11233 |
Sat Feb 15 15:00:16 EST 2014
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 26 14:21:17 EST 2014 | heatherc
Aegis Software has multiple solutions that will do this - http://www.aiscorp.com