Electronics Forum: chad (Page 1 of 5)

Flex circuit pallets

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 23 13:27:29 EDT 2003 | chad

What's the actual brand name of the material? I could give you our experiences with most brand types both from a manufacturing and customer standpoint. Thanks, Chad Haima Pentagon EMS chadh@pentagon-ems.com 503-924-2747

Flex circuit assembly

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 15 15:36:31 EDT 2003 | chad

Mike, I'd be more then happy to talk with you offline about pallets for flex assemblies. We have lots of experience with the manufacturing issues associated with them. Thanks, Chad Haima Pentagon EMS 503-924-2747 chadh@pentagon-ems.com

wave solder bean bags

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 15 19:08:19 EDT 2005 | chad

Steve, A company called Bearwear, Inc. is who I refer my customers to. They will make any size and any weight you want. Prices are reasonable to. Give me a call if you want there number Chad Pentagon EMS 503-924-2747

Securing components for wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 14 14:10:11 EDT 2004 | chad

I've had several customers use bean bags. There are a couple companies that will custom make them per size and weight. Other options are wave fixtures. You can contact me offline if you need more specific information 503-924-2747

CP43 Placing problem on PLCC28

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 22 05:54:25 EST 2004 | chad

What type of shape data are you using? Is your vision system checking for leads or is it just looking for a square?

CP43 Placing problem on PLCC28

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 24 05:57:31 EST 2004 | chad

If you're using tooling pins, you may check to see that they do not have wear on the sides from boards repeatedly rubbing against them. I have seen this problem several times, you may give it a look. If you're not using them, I'd suggest that you gi

Wave soldering equipment??

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 09 04:32:56 EST 2004 | chad

I'm currently using Electrovert Vectra's right now. They do really well. I was actually in New Hampshire last month looking at Vitronics Soltec's newest wave soldering machine too. I think they would be worth a look as well. Good Luck!

Laser Machine for Solder Paste Volume

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 09 04:21:22 EST 2004 | chad

I have worked w/ the GSI SVS 8200's. They seem to do a pretty decent job, but, they are a "bottleneck" on my lines. I hope you are using good screen printers, because they WILL find the slightest "defect". About 75% of our failures are actually fa

Trouble with wave solder pallet

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 12 19:48:41 EST 2005 | chad

Sue, What is the material your pallet is made of?? Are your thru pocket openings beveled??

Stencil manufacturer

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 22 20:02:06 EDT 2005 | chad

SolderMask, Inc. in Huntington Beach. Ask for Frank Kurisu. Ph: 714-842-1987

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