Electronics Forum: chain lube 680784 msds (Page 1 of 1)

Heller Reflow Ovens and Tribol 1421 high temp chain oil

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 01 14:18:20 EST 2011 | markyen

We have Heller oven for over 8 years now and we use Heller industries Inc. Edge holder chain lube Part number: 680784 Overon F232-iso vg 220

advice on Reflow oil that doesn' t stink.

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 12 16:29:21 EDT 2007 | dyoungquist

When we bought our Heller reflow oven, the installation technician recommended using Oberon chain lube part # 680784(0) when we needed to purchase more oil for our chain. I just went to the oberonlube.com website and could not find that part number.


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