Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 28 15:14:43 EST 2004 | Jason
I am looking for OSP PCB Isolation chamber/cabinet, just in case if we can't run the top side of OSP PCB after after we complete bottom side, and all thses boards are need to be stored in the isolated chamber or cabinet.
Electronics Forum | Tue May 14 04:18:40 EDT 2013 | leardkattiya
Hi, Anyone here experienced in aqueous wash of chamber type? Here's the issues. We have top and bottom portion inside the chamber but unfortunately evaluation had indicate only top portion of the rack is able to clean the PCB clearly.
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 03 08:51:47 EST 2008 | mrmaint
Try looking at Chart Industries. They offer HASS/HALT chambers that are capable of reaching the paramaters that you are looking for. Will require a nitrogen supply for the cooling end.We had a 3000gal tank of liquid nitrogen to feed two chambers.
Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 22 19:53:10 EST 2009 | prodrivegsr
Hi Ju Yong, The PCB are dry in an airseal cabinet(Staging Chamber) before IR Oven. The bubbles show at around body and solder joint area. You mean the moisture will create bubbles ? Able to advice the humidity and temperature that you are using in
Electronics Forum | Tue May 26 12:25:34 EDT 1998 | Wayne
Vacuum Bakeout Ovens For many years vacuum bakeout ovens have been used in the hybrid industry for removal of moisture from ceramic cercuits prior to hermetically sealing packages. In this process the vacuum oven certainly reduces the bakeout cycle
Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 09 08:21:36 EDT 2000 | Sal
guys Currently experienced this problem on a product which had been running satifactorily for a period of time. No process changes were made, The problem was highlighted when after ICT when the boards were loaded in to the stress chamber, after the
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 19 13:47:46 EDT 2003 | slthomas
What are you going to fill the chamber with when it needs to be opened? If you use air, will the evacuated components suck up any available moisture? I've never done anything like this with electronic components, but some of the more porous materi
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 01 16:39:24 EDT 2006 | slthomas
Our problem is with the chamber beneath the drying section, where the blower is. The drying section vents directly into the chamber beneath it where the blower intake is, which is great for equalizing pressure but really counter to presenting dry air
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 14 03:50:08 EDT 2005 | steve
Alot of folks are going to experience this with their poorly designed desoldering systems. I would check the temperature that is being delivered at the tip of the desolder gun. A small preheater is recommended. The other problem you will encounter is
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 13 13:26:37 EST 2006 | fredericksr
Ah yes, environmental chamber. Jargon updated, thanks!