Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 08 06:00:05 EDT 2013 | sarason
This is a message from probably a C++ Compiler telling the programmer that a program loop has incorrect data. In all probability a Borland Compiler error message. This fault should not of escaped from the completed application. This stuff is meant to
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 01 15:13:19 EDT 2013 | kdc45
When trying to send a program to the background a window appears with the following text: List index out of bounds (435). Does anyone have any knowledge to what this is indicating? Regards, kdc45
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 24 03:36:19 EDT 2010 | naveed
Hi all!i m using yv100xg line,with vois application version 1.5R2000,when the mechine starts,after loading all files and returning to origin,a mesg appears ,that iz"Ea12324:the repair detection of the file.the mchne is unusually finished and it has t
Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 07 09:18:07 EDT 2011 | jjcarver
amplifiere error states, Amplifier setup error, programming during startup failed.. Cannot get machine to initiate anyone have this problem?? machine is a MYDATA19e
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 06 08:38:54 EDT 2010 | sachu_70
I am impressed to know that you are a one-man army confronting YV100Xg. However, you could always call in for an Engineer from a YAMAHA service provider to resolve your problem. Else, just try by reinstalling your machine software. But before you do
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 14 12:57:45 EDT 2014 | rgeary
Does anyone know what the following error indicates on a MyData My12 running 2.9.2. "F-MOT-MSETDYN C/156"?
Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 18 03:45:08 EDT 2010 | vinitverma
Before reinstalling, just take a system data backup of the machine. It'll create one floppy which you will use in the form of "System Data Restore" once you have reinstalled the software. By the way, you should have 2 CDs, one titled Application Soft
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 20 15:32:27 EDT 2010 | naveed
Yes!tahnkx I made a backup disc.the all data for production files,and also the data base library(vision files for component and fiducials) has been copied to the disc.we are in contact with yamaha consultant,they sent us the new manual which has the
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 10 08:59:07 EDT 2012 | zrunkle_api
First post here. the company I work for has to CP4 and the newer of the two is given us a Q4 Rotation Error. Anyone have any idea what this is and what is causing it?
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 29 13:01:04 EST 2014 | tech1
Back when the Linear Y wagons first came out Mydata had problem with the original Y amplifier and were swapping out the complete box for customers who had problems. There was also a problem with the encoder that resulted in the same type of errors yo