Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 06 04:58:30 EST 2018 | robl
You can also get dry cabinets that you can wheel your feeder carts directly into (if you have quick change carts) when not producing to extend floor life.
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 18 15:21:58 EST 2006 | adlsmt
FYI, if you are using 13" reels, for 8mm parts, you need a different feeder with a larger reel holder. If you get the larger reel holder and if you are using quick change carts, you need the cart for that type of feeder as they also make one that doe
Electronics Forum | Tue May 25 18:03:38 EDT 2004 | fastek
Also CP-7's have that feeder carriage quick change option which allows you to pull out the whole feeder carriage via a quick change cart and replace it with another one.
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 17 06:54:04 EDT 2001 | Binns
I have several carts at my facility, i think we had our machine shop make them a while ago, we can store loaded feeders on the top portion and we can store several screens on the bottom. The idea is to have the days production, if two jobs or more,
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 24 01:45:44 EST 2005 | pavel_murtishev
Good morning, My advice is to put two Topaz-Xii in line. Machine programming is rather easy (with PPS and GPP that AssemleOn offers), but final teaching on machine is strongly required. If you want to prepare programs fully offline you�ll have to pu
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 29 18:20:07 EST 2006 | LD
We are also a high mix/low volume OEM and are running Samsung CP45's with quick change carts on both sides of the machine. We currently average 12 minutes of internal changeover time per run with an average of 17 changeovers/day for 2 shifts. We ty
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 07 09:29:37 EST 2007 | AR
Thanks Rob So if it is only up to feeder space and fast and easy feeder loading mechanism, then surely most brands with feeder exchange carts will be equally fast or even better when changing over, provided you have a sufficient number of exchange f
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 21 15:30:28 EDT 2008 | jamyboy
Juki is a great way to go as far as reliability the Jukis are bullet proof. Change overs are much like other Japanese machines if you have the feeder carts, tray changer and stay away from Vibratory feeders you will be successful with this platform i
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 03 03:27:35 EDT 2004 | kent_peterson
You have alot of advantages staying with the Samsung. The CP60 is a great machine. With the removable carts for setting up in advance giving quick change over. Very good price and better service for you than we get here. Their parts teach on these is
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 24 21:19:40 EST 2005 | smartasp
Hi, We are also a hig mix low volum plant situated in Sri Lanka and just installed 2 Opals inline from Assembleon with the feeder exchange carts for faster change over. This machines can be upgraded to Topaz by just installing 4 more heads. So far