Electronics Forum: changers (Page 1 of 13)

Flexjet3 No Nozzle Detected During Dropoff

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 02 01:55:34 EDT 2023 | ttheis

The issue ended up being the nozzle changer; Andy from 4tech noticed that the changer was rising unevenly when he measured it in the raised position from the frame rail. He disassembled and cleaned the changer mechanism and the issue was resolved wit

Universal GSM 2

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 23 09:40:31 EDT 2014 | rgduval

Thanks, George. Yep, we got through all of that. Then went to cleaning the nozzle changers, etc. Had a tech in the other day from the broker that we bought the machine from, and discovered that the problem in changer 4 is that we don't have any

Universal GSM 2

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 13 18:15:38 EDT 2014 | ilavu

Hey rob, make sure you do the changer setup. That procedure looks at the fiducials on the changer and adjust the position for nozzle change. It is in system setting. Motor or amp is not easily go bad. I have machine from 92 and never had problem with

Nozzle changer issues on gsm1

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 20 10:16:21 EDT 2016 | ttheis

Yeah, I think it has to do with both changers being owned by the one head. If each changer was owned by separate heads then they would each need an open hole.

Timeout waiting for nozzle changer vacuum buildup.

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 05 10:14:41 EDT 2017 | swag

Try a fid teach on your changers. I don't recall how to do it but you'll find it pretty easy if you surf around. Also, the seals on the nozzles must be good and soft. If you can still get them new, I'd replace. Same goes for seals in changers. C

Timeout waiting for nozzle changer vacuum buildup.

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 08 22:37:30 EDT 2017 | ttheis

If you have two changers and only one head, make sure there is only one open port (one changer should be filled up and the other should have one open hole.) The head should be full of nozzles as well. As you mentioned go into the diagnostics and act

GSM Discrete I/O Address List

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 18 12:48:55 EST 2016 | ttheis

Hi Deni, The changers were not mounted in the UPS software; I suspect the previous owners did not use the changers in the machine at all and just kept the same nozzles in the head at all times. It was owned by TI so I think they just did one process

Quad 4C nozzle changer

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 01 11:02:57 EDT 2016 | claudea2

I have 3 used Quad 4Cs and the nozzle changer on one machine never worked. I decided to troubleshoot it this week. I repaired the changer by changing a defective optical sensor but I still get error 17 when I try a run-step nozzle 1, 2 or 3. Error 17

Nozzle changer issues on gsm1

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 19 03:19:03 EDT 2016 | ttheis

Hi All, I have been running into an issue where my gsm is not leaving an empty nozzle hole in changer 1 and is leaving two open in the other changer. The machine is attempting to change one of the nozzles 5-7 and leaving one open so no vacuum builds

GSM Nozzle Modification

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 09 09:23:03 EDT 2008 | swag

Yes - I was hoping to get some dimensions for key locations in relation to nozzle center for machining mods. I got it - spindle key is 0.380" off center at 180 deg. in changer, head rotates spindle key to 270 deg. position when zeroed. Changer key

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