Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 21 08:33:09 EDT 2008 | davef
There is no standard as such. It's easy to see why. It's too complicated and has such a small payoff. Standoff is comprised of: * Package height * Solder thickness between the pad and the component lead * Delta of pad thickness and solder mask For p
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 12 18:11:03 EDT 2001 | davef
First, what on the area array package are you analyzing � * Package cracking? * Cracked solder balls? * Er, what? Second, most failure analysis discussions consider dye penetration to be a non-destructive test, but then again most failure analysis
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 24 15:15:43 EDT 1999 | John Thorup
| Could use a little help here. Can anyone clarify to me the cause and fix of chip caps/resistors tombstoning following reflow? | | Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. | Most common reason is uneven heating where one side of the component ach
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 25 09:48:28 EDT 1999 | Larry Koens
| | | Could use a little help here. Can anyone clarify to me the cause and fix of chip caps/resistors tombstoning following reflow? | | | | | | Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. | | | | | Most common reason is uneven heating where one side
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 25 07:53:08 EDT 1999 | Scott Davies
| | Could use a little help here. Can anyone clarify to me the cause and fix of chip caps/resistors tombstoning following reflow? | | | | Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. | | | Most common reason is uneven heating where one side of the com
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 25 09:53:40 EDT 1999 | lwk
| | | | Could use a little help here. Can anyone clarify to me the cause and fix of chip caps/resistors tombstoning following reflow? | | | | | | | | Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. | | | | | | | Most common reason is uneven heating where
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 25 15:47:25 EDT 1999 | JohnW
| | | | | Could use a little help here. Can anyone clarify to me the cause and fix of chip caps/resistors tombstoning following reflow? | | | | | | | | | | Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. | | | | | | | | | Most common reason is uneven hea
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 25 16:42:32 EDT 1999 | Dave
| | | | | | Could use a little help here. Can anyone clarify to me the cause and fix of chip caps/resistors tombstoning following reflow? | | | | | | | | | | | | Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. | | | | | | | | | | | Most common reason is
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 25 21:44:03 EDT 1999 | Jason Tomlinson
| | | | | | Could use a little help here. Can anyone clarify to me the cause and fix of chip caps/resistors tombstoning following reflow? | | | | | | | | | | | | Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. | | | | | | | | | | | Most common reason is
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 20 15:37:53 EDT 2000 | Tekguy2000
These parts are flat chip resistor arrays that have 4 end terminations on each side. It looks liek an IC but is typically in an 0805 and 1206 package type with convex terminations. .031" pitch from termination to termination and .011" spacing between