Electronics Forum: chip component mounter (Page 1 of 114)

Missing componentafter chip placer.

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 06 20:26:07 EDT 2001 | Eric

We see alot of missing component ( on/off ) after chip mounter, and had check on the component height, is correct. Nozzles had change, vaccume strong enough and table height. But we still have missing component.

Missing componentafter chip placer.

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 06 21:03:29 EDT 2001 | Poon Man

Eric, There are a lot of factors leading to lose components. Suppose your machine works properly. Firstly, is there any gap between the support pins and PCB? If yes, the components may be �dancing� during placement. Have you checked the placement s

Component missing in siplace mounter

Electronics Forum | Mon May 06 11:50:15 EDT 2019 | sankarseptember

I am using siplace XS Series mounter..I am getting component missing.. atleast one or two per shift production..I wonder this machine don't have option to check at last if any miss or thrown up component.what I need to check? I need any expert in sip

Component missing in siplace mounter

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 05 10:16:29 EDT 2019 | emeto

Sankar, it looks like you need an expert to help you. Missing component might be related to hardware, machine setup or software issues on you equipment which will require a tech or engineer to investigate.

Component missing in siplace mounter

Electronics Forum | Mon May 06 16:34:20 EDT 2019 | tey422

First of all, I am not familiar with the machine you stated. But there is something you should check out. That is if the nozzle tips having solder paste stick to it or not. If nozzle tips having a fresh paste stick to it, the component might not a

Component missing in siplace mounter

Electronics Forum | Tue May 07 12:50:17 EDT 2019 | sankarseptember

Thanks for the response Thomas..You are correct I got solder paste on both edge on the nozzle type 4007. But it uses for nearly 30 types of part number ..and also I will get missing without any issues in nozzle..I am unable to find the trace in that.

Capability study of a turret head component mounter

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 22 07:35:37 EDT 2000 | Henrik Eklund

Hello everyone out there, I have been working in the SMT process for a couple o years now, and now I'm partly responsible for the turret head component mounting process. We are about to buy new equipment and I want to do a capability study of this m

Component missing in siplace mounter

Electronics Forum | Tue May 07 13:49:05 EDT 2019 | tey422

Like I stated before, I am not familiar with the machine. I can only make suggestions. If you found solder paste on the nozzle, clean it off to prevent part stuck to the nozzle tip. I would also check if the nozzle tips are being worn off; uneven we

Component missing in siplace mounter

Electronics Forum | Wed May 08 07:19:03 EDT 2019 | youngbuck

Hi Sankar, I have had experience with the SX and X2 so I'm not sure how similar ours is to yours but i can give you some suggestions. 1. As Thomas said you could do a vaccum check and make sure the 4007 nozzle has around the same settings as the ot

chip mounters

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 21 02:07:16 EST 2011 | obrant

I'm looking for good/clean used chip mounters. juki ke760 yamaha yg100xg panasonic cm202 fuji kikai cp7, 8, 9

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