Electronics Forum: chip opens (Page 1 of 13)

Flash memory chip fault

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 16 07:42:05 EST 2005 | pavel_murtishev

Good evening, We noted one more very strange problem with flash memory chips. Device fails test due to flash chip malfunction. From the first sight open joint or cold joint can cause such problem. But all chip legs are soldered well. We just heat th

chip placed upside down

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 11 11:33:26 EDT 2014 | fredcalkins

I do not have machine experience, but I think vacuum too early would be a more likely cause of chips leaping to a nozzle. Juki nozzles are made of hardened stainless and could be slightly magnetic, but the end is relatively small and would not have t

Re: Skewing chip components

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 22 12:06:10 EDT 2000 | Wolfgang Busko

Hi Sal, I assume your homeplates are designed with the peaks towards the componentcenter. I can imagine that due to placement inaccuracy not both sides sit in the same amount of paste and that wetting difficulties prevent same force factors for both

Contamination under chip resistor array

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 20 17:05:42 EDT 2008 | naynayno

We have experienced contamination under flat chip arrays. The lab report is still open but it appears to be dendrite growth. We have been trouble-shooting our process and cleaning equipment. My question is are there any specific design or best p

What is bebind the global chip crisis?

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 30 13:26:10 EDT 2021 | amaliahx

The pandemic has altered people's habits, causing a surge in demand for home electronic devices. This has swept the global chip supply and disrupted automobile manufacturing. The pandemic has led to the global shortage of semiconductors or chips, and

solder skips in chip wave on a NU/ERA wave solder

Electronics Forum | Wed May 27 11:54:29 EDT 2009 | allwave

Armando, Make sure chip wave is pumping evenly across. These TD machines require a lot of maintenance (deep cleaning)to ensure all the holes on nozzle are open... My two cents, George

0402 chip resistor - settled sideway after reflow

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 12 01:23:04 EDT 2001 | Eric C

Check the pad size. I had this issue before due to the pad size too wide. R&D had change the size of the pad and is solve the issue. Before the pad size change, I had rebuild another stencil with the pad opening close to the component size. It won't

Epoxy on bottom of SMT component

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 29 22:38:05 EST 2007 | shy

Hi Dback, Yes, i'm open "dog bone" aperture for my chip component. this is to prevent solder ball issue. For fine pitch i'm opening square with full length and half width to prevent bridging. Btw, if "dog bone" is not for chip component, what is your

Re: Open v.s viscosity

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 20 00:53:23 EDT 2000 | Wister

Hi,Dave The "skip" wouldn't happened because we monitor the solder paste height every two hours.The open position is between chip terminal and the solder paste.one terminal lift a little not as same as tombstone.I suspect the activity of solder paste

SOT Solder Problem

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 12 07:35:23 EDT 2008 | stevezeva

Hi, Is the footprint per the component manufacturers recommendations? The reason I ask is because it kinda looks like the pads are extending beneath the component. Could cause the part to float up on top of the solder and not allow the leads to wet

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