Electronics Forum: chips tolerance (Page 1 of 5)

Re: Placement tolerance

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 30 22:43:36 EST 1999 | dean

| Does anyone know of a contract manufacturing house that can guarantee smt component placement and can verify placement of +/-.015? | | Thanks in advance | Question: mm, inches, or mils? I can do it. However, what is your reliability level? 9

bulk feeding chips

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 05 11:13:46 EST 2003 | gregp

Your points are all valid. This is probably a service that the component distributers should provide. The reason I am harping on this issue is because I beleive is is possible to add several hundred part numbers to your pick and place on line inven

bulk feeding chips

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 06 17:16:41 EST 2003 | gregp

I do not know about the cost issues but as I recall the tolerances are tighter on bulk components and this usually means higher cost. I cannot find my bulk feeding summit information but these links give you some idea what was discussed. I don't kn

flip chip tolerances

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 01 14:50:29 EDT 2001 | Matt Gormont

I am looking for outline tolerances of a flip chip with a pitch of .25mm. Bumps are made of 63/37 solder. Key tolerances are bump height and positional tolerance of the bumps. Can anyone HELP?

4791 Placement accuracy

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 06 11:10:40 EDT 2010 | cuongtranquoc2002

No, the accuracy of chip shooter should be always as 3 mils tolerance. If for some reason, the tolrance is 4 mils, you should consider adjust your equipment. If your chip shooter is performing well, I would suggest that you measure the variation on t

Fuji Part Library Question

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 28 11:51:24 EDT 2007 | mika

Hi, Are we talking about the pick-up tolerance so for any chip component set it to 0.5mm. It will save a lot of trouble right there. As for body tolerence if it is a zero then it will automatically use a standard value, based on the size of the body

Mirtec MV-2HTL programming: Easily fails parts a bit rotated?

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 07 18:12:56 EST 2011 | eadthem

I do not know what software version you have, but on older versions it is best to have a mounting inspector set to be the primary and then mask out all labels and solder so it just locates the part. Then add another mounting inspector for looking at

Identifying Caps

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 12 12:49:55 EST 2002 | dragonslayr

Use an "LCR" (L= inductance, C= capacitance, R= Resistance)meter. There are several name brands to choose from (Fluke, etc.) Hand held units are relatively inexpensive. In fact, you may consider having more than one available. Receiving inspection s

Mirtec AOI

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 18 09:41:05 EDT 2016 | jbuckley

Typically on my company's Mirtec systems, any anomalies, such as cracks, chips, etc. on chip capacitors and chip resistors are going to be detected with just a basic mounting inspector. We have a full image of the part (solder joint not included) as

Thermal Stress in Reflow

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 23 10:34:09 EDT 1999 | Greg Jones

I am looking for a rule of thumb regarding the maximum ramp standard components (chip capacitors) can tolerate without failure during the reflow process. The standard seems to be 3C\second, but this figure is generally derived from the average ramp

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