Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 29 14:54:03 EDT 2015 | bmalhi
Voltage retrofit require some wiring changes along with circuit breakers replacement. Please contact serviceNJ@hellerindustries.com to get the retrofit quot.
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 28 14:02:15 EDT 2009 | swag
As mentioned previous, check all fuses & breakers. In the AC chassis (should be under black cover beind front, right door), remove cover and check main circuit breaker. Also should be two fuse housings next to breaker - if they are lit up amber, th
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 02 14:51:01 EDT 2024 | linux
We use both the ct930 and 1040, we are not impressed, we ended up retrofitting due to excessive heat being produced at the circuit breaker side of oven, Ended up installing several door fans to reduce the heat. also the oven was supposed to be able t
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 07 11:21:26 EDT 2004 | stefwitt
Hi Dilbert, it is a step up transformer from 3 phase 208 to 3 phase 380. Each machine does not draw more than 3 Amps per phase. However, circuit breakers are rated at 15 Amps. The transformer has three power outlets, each one has a Perilex (European)
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 07 13:32:21 EDT 2019 | rgduval
To isolate the MOT failure, try swapping the MOT card with another MOT card. If the failure moves, then the problem is in the card. If the failure does not move, the MOT card is not your problem. If the MOT card is not the issue, then your problem
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 31 12:21:44 EST 2020 | ecogroup
I Changed old parts to New Parts for: All 5 Magnetic Contactors, Circuit Breaker/Protector 1, I/O Switch housing + contact blocks, both 12v and 110v relays. Still CP40 contactors won't engage after I/O Switch is pressed, G9D-301 Safety Relay Power Le
Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 26 02:09:39 EDT 2015 | aemery
Proc My field service back ground included Electrovert so I know reflow electrical quite well. I've worked on Heller, Conceptronic and Vitronics over the last few years and really there isn't a huge difference if you can read a schematic. I checked
Electronics Forum | Wed May 10 00:42:10 EDT 2006 | Chris
I agree with all of you. If it is a good forced convection oven, the bottom side of the PCB will get very close to reflow temp and will probably reach reflow temp. Plus your oven may fight your settings. The lower heater temp settings will never b
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 28 12:52:56 EDT 2009 | markhoch
I'm not familiar with this particular MPM model, but in my experience, most MPM's are Computer Controlled. There should be a CPU embedded somewhere within the machine. Check to see if it's getting power. (I'm assuming you're already checked fuses/cir
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 14 20:19:33 EDT 2020 | kumarb
Hi. 1) recommend to phone up Heller for assistance on this case 2) using the wakeup profile, can you confirm if the problem remains or not when you skip the warm up of zone # 2? 3) each zone is based on 2 heaters (this is what we have on our 1809e
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