Electronics Forum: circuit pattern (Page 1 of 5)

Re: Ghost circuit shorts under smt resisters only when they are located on solder side of pcb (glued down)

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 26 14:14:51 EDT 1999 | Steve Gregory

| | | We are having a process related problem with pullup resistors on a controller card which has a I960 micro-processor. | | | The controller monitors signal inputs and it's own resources then blinks a LED to indicate its working. The problem is th

Re: Printing and Reflow with Ceramics

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 13 07:53:40 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon

| | Couple of questions. | | 1) Are we talking alumina substrates as the ceramic material? | | 2) Are we co-firing gold as the conductors on the substrate surface? | | 3) In other words, is this a hybrid thick film circuit? | | 4) If so, how large or

Re: Emulsion

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 24 19:40:40 EDT 2000 | Dave F

From the SMTnet Library Terms & Definitions [er whatever they call it] � Emulsion. A material that suppliers build-up on a printing screen to block portions of the screen. The un-blocked (open) portion of the screen define the pattern for depositi

Large Footprint Flex PCBs

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 19 14:35:02 EST 2009 | rrpowers

We do continuous reel-to-reel flex circuit PCB's with a typical "panel" width being 12". (The PCB pattern repeats every 12".) We have done some product that was 24" by doing one half of the board then the other through the screen printer. We have

3rd party support for universal machines?

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 13 19:25:12 EDT 2023 | griinder

Barcode Definition - you can input the search window size. Default lighting works best for me. I name it "bc". Window>Barcode List- This is where you input the position on the panel or circuit 1, give it a ref designator "again I use bc", and select

Verifying requested copper weight

Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 09 21:59:36 EDT 2018 | sanneyyu

we are a PCB house, you can add some patterns at breaktabs or board edge, this can help you easily verify copper weight for every circuit layer.

SRSCM (air bag computer) parts identifications

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 17 09:01:26 EST 2022 | sarason

An NDS9936 is a SO-8 MOSFET since this is a SO-16, its likely to be 2, easier enough to chack by compareing the pin patterns. It is what you would expect on a board which is remote on a car harness, and has a control circuit. sarason

lead substrate materials

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 29 20:14:54 EST 2002 | davef

Please help us understand your situation better by describing the following: * Component [ie, PTH/SMT, type of component, lead finish you expected/ received, etc.] * Board type [ie, type of board FR-4/CEM/ceramic, etc.] * Solderability protection on

ICT and specifying PCBA testing

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 01 14:46:31 EDT 2011 | davef

Agilent TestJet Technology White Paper In the early 1990s, the testing of digital parts became problematical. Previous in-circuit test techniques sought to ensure a correct, functioning part by applying digital patterns, called vectors, to the input


Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 27 22:07:45 EDT 2002 | davef

Pad. Land. A portion of a conductive pattern used as a termination area. Metal surrounding a hole on a printed circuit board. Mask. A material applied to allow selective etching, plating, or protection of the surface of a printed circuit board.

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