Electronics Forum: circuitcam move (Page 1 of 1)

Aegis CircuitCam Version 7 issue with moving items when zooming

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 13 09:37:19 EDT 2010 | deborahgalek

If anyone else has version 7 of CircuitCam, I am currently using this software and have had many issues with text boxes and pictures moving significantly when zooming in and out. I have been given the following solutions: Use embed word or excel d

Fuji Flexa with Aegis Circuticam (USERS)

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 29 16:27:24 EST 2004 | Demar

Well I recently went with Circuitcam but I use the MCS platform still. To be honest I am not 100% sold on the software yet. I have already found bugs in the software that will likely never be fixed based on my outdated MCS platform. The only problem

SMT Programming

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 11 13:58:57 EDT 2005 | rcanten

Rotations are always confusing. My first suggestion would be to use the program polarity option on your Fuji equipment. This will allow you to keep the same rotational value in the programs if you have to move components between machines. Make sure y

Circuit Cam Capability

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 15 13:44:32 EST 2006 | sliebl

Paul, That's what I thought you were going to say. I can do the same thing with my Contact machines, although I do not have feeder handling carts to pull entire banks of feeders, it would have to be done individually. Even though we are a small to mi

Mycronic MY600 / Aegis Factory Logix

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 04 10:25:48 EST 2020 | rgduval

You'll probably need Mycronic/Aegis input on your issues with the software. When I was doing it a few years ago, the software interface was a lite version of CircuitCam, but, I was under the impression that Mycronic was going to deprecate that softw

Contact Systems CS-400C help requested

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 04 20:44:05 EDT 1999 | Peter

I am trying to program/run a test board on a CS-400C machine for the very first time and am having problems making it run right. I am programming and downloading this directly out of CircuitCAM software. After setting the origin on the CS-400C and

Re: Contact Systems CS-400C help requested

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 06 04:54:19 EDT 1999 | Scott Bradley

| I am trying to program/run a test board on a CS-400C machine for the very first time and am having problems making it run right. | | I am programming and downloading this directly out of CircuitCAM software. | | After setting the origin on the CS

Re: Contact Systems CS-400C help requested

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 06 12:07:46 EDT 1999 | Robert Horowitz

Peter, Try calling Contact Systems for your answer. We can be reached at (203) 743-3837. Ask for the Field Service Dept. They can easily assist you. Regards, Robert Horowitz Sales Manager Contact Systems | I am trying to program/run a test boa


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