Electronics Forum: circuitcam windows 10 (Page 1 of 31)

Uni-Cam vs Circuit Cam Which one is better?

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 22 13:24:35 EDT 2003 | secme


Mycronic and windows 11

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 20 10:46:08 EDT 2023 | dontfeedphils

Usually best to stick with older/tested OS for machines/software compatibility. Or setup a VM with Win7 or Win10 in your main machine to handle picky software suites.

Mycronic and windows 11

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 20 01:10:36 EDT 2023 | daniel_stanphill

We are trying to upgrade our computers to windows 11 and are now unable to use Mycenter and MyPlan. Does anyone have any experience setting up a virtual machine to run mycronic applications?

SiemensMS72a -looking for parts, Wrote new windows GUI

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 21 10:42:13 EDT 2006 | lfaustini

With out a doubt! --Lou

CircuitCam Report Error

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 16 19:33:26 EDT 2020 | emeto

Are you running Windows 7? If so, call them as there was some fix for Win7 on error like this.

Fuji Flexa and Aegis w/ Circuitcam or Unicam w/Assembly Expert

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 04 10:53:20 EST 2004 | RNH

I have Flexa with the circuitcam interface. Works great for importing cad file into circuitcam and then exporting program into Flexa. I don't use the documentaton side of circuitcam much.

CircuitCam Penalization

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 10 19:31:24 EST 2022 | griinder

I am very experienced with CircuitCam and Factory Logix. Message me if you still need help.

SMT/Thru hole key cards

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 28 10:09:49 EDT 2006 | pms

We use CircuitCam for our MyData programming and floor documentation. It's great. Get CAD data from your customers and it will speed up the whole CircuitCam process 500 % (as long as you have the correct CAD importer for the CircuitCam program).

Calculating Mydata angels with CircuitCam

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 05 10:47:15 EST 2009 | SS

Certain packages will always be out 90 degrees or so when a program is first ran on mydata. Is there a way to automatically adjust rotations for mydata packages when generated with circuitcam? Is there a location where we can adjust the angles circui

Re: CIM Software

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 25 18:12:30 EDT 1999 | Dan Lambert

John, You should look at CircuitCAM software if you're interested in off-line machine programming from CAD or Gerber data. www.circuitcam.net Dan

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