Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 18 15:44:55 EST 2006 | adlsmt
That is an interesting idea. Would the air circulation increase the rate of oxidation on the component leads?
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 09 06:35:35 EST 2007 | cyber_wolf
2000 + feeders that are circulated three shifts-5 days a week.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 14 17:12:17 EDT 2007 | cman
Is the prewash water going to drain or being re-circulated? If you are re-circulating don't send all or a portion to drain (or your treatment system) even sending a small portion to drain and adding fresh will reduce foaming. You will pull more water
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 22 15:31:52 EDT 2002 | Claude_Couture
In an oven with flux reclamation system, once the circulation is prevented by accumulation of flux in the heat exchanger, the flux will condense where it can, and some of it will coat your PCBs with a uniform layer of flux on the parts/ joints/ goldf
Electronics Forum | Tue May 10 17:50:08 EDT 2005 | davef
Consider: * Changing your temporary solder resist [TSR] to a light cure. * Contracting with your board fabricator to apply the TSR. * Gaining better thickness control of your application process by silk screening the current TSR. * Forcing more air c
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 21 14:27:14 EDT 2005 | Dreamsniper
Defects will result, Your cooling rate is affected because the hot air is not circulated properly. Outgassing will appear and you'll have pin holes / blow holes, disturbed joint etc. Correct me guys if i'm wrong. Thanks
Electronics Forum | Wed May 02 07:46:36 EDT 2012 | cbeneat
We do the same, once you kill the power you lose your air circulation. I'm assuming it's not too good for the oven to have all that heat not moving.
Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 19 04:51:49 EST 2015 | padawanlinuxero
bake the pcba, continue with the aqueous cleaning but after the cleaning bake them in a circulated oven. we do that with some of our pcbs here we use a water base flux, we clean it and then we bake them for 10 minutes at 190F
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 30 13:40:30 EST 1999 | dennis warner
We've been using a newly installed DI re-circulating system. It's been a big headache. Mostly understanding what causes our resistivity to be unpredictable. I think I've got a handle on that part now. The system consists of a Carbon,HMR(chealet),Cati
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 15 10:29:08 EDT 1998 | G Henning
Is this forum circulated throughout the U.S. only? I don't know where anyone is from when I read the replies. Is there any way we can get everyone to put at the bottom of their reply where they work and what city/state its in (or at least which cit