Electronics Forum: citizens (Page 1 of 1)

What is CITIZEN A480H Machine?

Electronics Forum | Fri May 13 02:20:10 EDT 2016 | roel628

Hi, I am new here, do anyone knows pick and place CITIZEN A480 H? Is it obsolete in the market? because I spent two days already looking for a information for this machine, can you guys help me out? Thanks

market rate for SMT Assembler

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 04 15:17:38 EDT 2008 | willleu

what is the going rate for fine pitch (microscope) SMT assemblers? i have several opportunties available in San Diego and would like to know what to offer. candidates must also be able to identify components, read assembly drawings, and must be U.S

Re: What is the typical BGA substrate pad alloy

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 03 18:17:12 EST 1999 | Dave F

Dave: There's lots of stuff on the web describing BGAs. Examples are: http://www.smtnet.com/bookstore/publications/0speckdo1/s1.html http://www.smtnet.com/bookstore/publications/0shutcco1/ch1p2.html http://www.citizen-america.com/OEM/bga/process

Must read: The Manufacturing Coalition

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 11 20:59:05 EST 2004 | vinhmach1

Hi, We are all getting the similar thought. I heard other story like the oversea gorverment (China, Brazil, Vietnam...) are taxing $$$$$ for incoming finish products up to the sky per Items. From Automotives to Electronics and others. That forcing

Very interesting (a must read)

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 07 16:17:21 EST 2006 | patrickbruneel

This is what�s going on over the pond. The request to exempt the lead in electronics on environmental grounds, filed by the courageous fellow lead-free rebel John Burke (RoHSUSA) has been accepted for review by the EU TAC. http://ec.europa.eu/enviro

Rollback the Lead-Free Initiative by Dr. Howard Johnson

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 10 10:46:26 EDT 2008 | patrickbruneel

Real Chunks, I intercepted the email below from the RoHS USA pushback mailing list. This email comes from an engineer employed by the largest OEM in Belgium. Looks like you made a great point that �work� can take on several meanings!!! ************


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