Electronics Forum: clamp collet board thickness assy (Page 1 of 1)

Re: Warpage at Wave Soldering Stage

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 14 13:47:54 EDT 1999 | Chrys Shea

| We are a medium sized PCB assy. house manufacturing about 2000 motherboards a day. There is a major problem we are facing at the wave soldering stage, i.e. warpage of the PCB. As soon as the PCB touches the wave it warps severely from the centre

Re: Warpage at Wave Soldering Stage

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 16 07:34:17 EDT 1999 | Glynn Technologies and Manufacturing

| | We are a medium sized PCB assy. house manufacturing about 2000 motherboards a day. There is a major problem we are facing at the wave soldering stage, i.e. warpage of the PCB. As soon as the PCB touches the wave it warps severely from the centr


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