Electronics Forum: clean after smt (Page 1 of 257)

What pressure is recommended to clean AMT boards after reflow

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 10 12:51:25 EDT 2001 | Carol Stirling

That's my Typo... couldn't figure out how to fix it. It should read SMT -boards with lots of SMT parts, including PBGA. I'll be more specific next time.... Thanks for the replies.. Carol

What pressure is recommended to clean AMT boards after reflow

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 07 16:29:52 EDT 2001 | mparker

That would be the elusive typo, check your keyboard, the "A" is right next to the "S". I believe she meant "SMT" boards. Wazzup Dave, your grey matter already shifted into weekend mode? Hoist a pint of Sierra Nevada, if you get that spill in your ne

Cleaning after rework, no clean flux

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 26 22:22:00 EST 2003 | Grant Petty

Hi, The guys here have some boards that have been reworked however as we use no-clean paste we are getting the white residue after ultrasonic cleaning. We are using an alcohol based cleaner in the ultra sonic cleaner. Does anyone have any ideas, or

Cleaning after rework, no clean flux

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 26 23:59:48 EST 2003 | Mike Konrad

Grant, No-Clean paste + IPA = White Residue! #1: Stop using IPA #2: Switch to either a solvent-based de-fluxing chemical or an aqueous-based de-fluxing chemical. If you are using an ultrasonic cleaner for your boards as stated, do not use sapon

smt connector

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 22 11:28:13 EST 2002 | sam

I believe you need some sort of "flat top" for this connector. I have ordered special "tops" for connectors we have placed in the past, the top is simply removed before any item is plugged into it. This also protects the connector after the board i

smt codes

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 01 09:28:20 EDT 2004 | Phil

Ozzy, it is a 1uf cap, not a .1. The 5 indicates 5 zeros after the 1. The MAX-232ACPE uses .1 uf caps. You indicated that it was not the "A" version. phil.hopkins@apcc.com

smt trays

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 04 08:42:26 EST 2005 | scotceltic

Thanks Dave, The reason I want to make one in-house is cost. This is not a standard part and after contacting a couple of vendors ($1,000 plus for first tray) I decided it would be much cheaper to do it in house with our CNC.

What pressure is recommended to clean AMT boards after reflow

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 07 11:59:10 EDT 2001 | Carol Stirling

Could someone recommend the pressure for cleaning PWBs after reflow please? Also, if there is a wash system you find satisfactory, the name, phone and location would be appreciated. Thanks in advance for the help. Carol (Excuse the typo in the Thre

What pressure is recommended to clean AMT boards after reflow

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 07 13:44:23 EDT 2001 | Hussman

Wut-chuw talkin' 'bout Carol? Are you talking about an aqueous wash machine to clean your boards? Well then, I've always liked Electroverts machines. They're modular and seem to do the job well. It all depends on your boards and your process.

What pressure is recommended to clean AMT boards after reflow

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 07 15:19:42 EDT 2001 | davef

Watt tiepoo? [Cereally, you can usually fix typos after you post by using the P yellow �edit� button that shows when you are looking at your posting.] We�re had people on SMTnet that were washing their boards with a brush attached to the end of a ga

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