Electronics Forum: clean and gold and finger (Page 1 of 4)

Immersion gold and BGAs

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 26 09:57:21 EDT 2005 | russ

The Immersion gold is not a problem with BGAs specifically but "black pad" which can be present anywhere. The unfortunate thing with BGAs is you cannot see it. Personally I hate white tin. It is okay for single sided boards running no-clean, but c

soldering and bonding on gold PCB's

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 09 17:03:44 EST 2002 | rob_thomas

We follow IPC-2221 recommendations for Au and don't have a problem as long as the Ni is under 150 microinches.This ensures a consistent process for us.Also we do plasma clean after SMt and prior to wirebond.That makes a big difference. Rob

soldering and bonding on gold PCB's

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 09 17:14:48 EST 2002 | mregalia

Do you bond with Al or gold wire? What happens if the Ni is over 150 microinches? Thickness of nickel is one those things that we have not been consistent with. The industry seems to pretty much universally call for 100-200 microinches. Our old board

soldering and bonding on gold PCB's

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 09 18:17:15 EST 2002 | Chris

I don't have a plasma cleaner either. It will help a lot. Actually I don't clean at all. Our wirebond pads are far enough away so the flux residue does not get on the wirebond pads. That's what we think anyway. I am sure we have some degree of c

Heat seal ribbon to gold plated fingers and lcd displays

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 24 07:55:55 EDT 1998 | Chuck Garth

I know that this not surface mount, but many of us have to perform multipule duties. Can anyone give me some information on this I am having problems getting relibility getingthe heat seal ribbon to make consistant electrical contact. Any help would

Gold plated board, with csp's and 0603 with no clean apetures

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 02 15:20:55 EDT 2002 | Eric

Is there a steadfast rule of thumb for a good solder joint on an Enig Gold board. I come across this number 217C when discussing BGA profiles. Is this a published number? I sure could use a reference. Anybody feedback is appreciated.

Gold plated board, with csp's and 0603 with no clean apetures

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 26 20:43:51 EDT 2002 | davef

"OK. If the connection doesn't look like I expect it to look, how do I know that the metallurgy is correct?" Comments are: * There are no pictures that will get you though this. * You should expect that gold that is dissolved in Pb/Sn solder to make

Gold plated board, with csp's and 0603 with no clean apetures

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 02 16:13:05 EDT 2002 | babe

Have you had your solder pot tested? I find that levels of contaminants can rend a solder joint that dull look.

Gold plated board, with csp's and 0603 with no clean apetures

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 26 11:44:23 EDT 2002 | abelardo

Hello everyone out there in the SMT world. I have a dilema I'm currently running a board that has 3 csp's with a .75 mm. ball pitch and .3mm ball size. And 2 qfp's-160. The stencil is 4 mils thick and I'm using a 63/37 solder paste. My reflow prof

Gold plated board, with csp's and 0603 with no clean apetures

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 26 14:43:43 EDT 2002 | Jim M.

unsure of what solder spec. your working to?.IPC/EIA J-STD-001C, Section 9.2.4 clearly states dull, matte, gray or grainy appearing solders are accpetable depending on your process and if the acceptability of the neaxt paragraph is met.IPC 610 and J-

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