Electronics Forum: clean and paste (Page 1 of 246)

No clean solder paste

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 05 17:50:26 EDT 1999 | John

Is the no clean solder paste as good? We are wondering if we can elliminate the wash when we change from through hole to surface mount.

Re: No clean solder paste

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 05 18:45:01 EDT 1999 | JohnW

| Is the no clean solder paste as good? We are wondering if we can elliminate the wash when we change from through hole to surface mount. | John, No clean is as good as your process, and the paste you are using. Everything I do is no clean and I h

Re: No clean solder paste

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 06 10:12:44 EDT 1999 | John Thorup

| | Is the no clean solder paste as good? We are wondering if we can elliminate the wash when we change from through hole to surface mount. | | | John, | | No clean is as good as your process, and the paste you are using. Everything I do is no cle

No clean and 100 Mbps Fast Ethernet Transceiver

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 30 09:21:08 EDT 2008 | eedlund

Anyone using a No-clean solder paste on a pcb with a 100 Mbps Ethernet chip? Will the residue cause any signal degradation? Any issues with a no-clean solder paste and 1000 Mbps Gigabit Ethernet? Device: National Semiconductor DP83848 10/100 Mb

No clean and 100 Mbps Fast Ethernet Transceiver

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 30 14:24:37 EDT 2008 | eedlund

A water soluble solder paste (AIM WS483), reflow and wash. We are considering using AIM NC254 No-clean solder paste to eliminate the wash step.

No clean and 100 Mbps Fast Ethernet Transceiver

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 30 20:55:14 EDT 2008 | davef

Residues from different no-clean fluxes produce different levels of variation in RF circuits. Some no-clean fluxes work fine. Following this, a no-clean flux can produce different levels of variation in RF circuits depending on the process setup.

paste Sn42/Bi58 and Lead Finish

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 15 03:07:35 EST 2012 | nikyta

Thanks for your reply. As already said by Anvil1021, is not a good idea to mix Lead and Bismuth! Stay away from Bismuth if you have even the slightest traces of Lead on yours PCB, stencil, squeegee, spatula, blade, cleaning paper or cleaning cloths,

No clean and f devices

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 11 17:53:59 EST 1999 | Jeff Tamagi

I have read in some magazine articles that there is poor signal to noise ratio of RF devices when no-cean solder is used. The frequecies used exceed one Mhz? Is this true?

clean process vs non clean process

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 01 09:10:55 EST 2004 | cyclopsn

We are currently using non clean paste and non clean flux in our manufacturing process. But recently our customer feedback that using a non clean process might cause flux blockage in via hole area and potentially might burn or explode the boards over

paste Sn42/Bi58 and Lead Finish

Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 03 10:57:27 EDT 2012 | davef

EricR: Regarding "*** By the way, since we have used the Tin-Silver-Copper lead free solder there has been a strange liquid type chemical leek from the oven exhausted pipes." ... I don't know anything about your process, but the first thing I'd inve

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