Electronics Forum: cleaning [0] (Page 1 of 603)

stencil cleaning

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 14 14:09:19 EDT 2005 | bschreiber

Your problem is not the 0.4 pitch. Your problem is the manual cleaning. Manual cleaning will only remove the solder paste from the surface of the stencil. What's more, manual cleaning will force additional contamination into the 0.4 pitch apertures

stencil cleaning

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 11 10:49:14 EDT 2005 | jhagve

HI We start to make a product which have a 0.4 mm pitch IC and start having problems with not enough solder printed, to solve this problem we had to increase the manual cleaning, now we are cleaning the stencil every 8 printings, before we was runnin

cleaning spec

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 08 21:54:08 EST 2006 | davef


stencil cleaning

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 29 04:06:42 EST 2002 | bayanbaru

Is there a cheap and effective method for stencil cleaning? Getting a equipment is out of the question.

stencil cleaning

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 01 15:28:09 EST 2002 | Kevin Ham

Bayanbaru, We provide a process that is very effective and cost compeditive. feel free to contact me.

PCB cleaning

Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 12 17:01:44 EDT 1999 | Murray Pulman

We are using so called no-clean fluxws for our small batch production, however the results are not always very visualy pleasing with white powdery deposits being the norm. I would like advise on the best avenue to explore for a small batch cleaning s

stencil cleaning

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 06 20:58:53 EST 2001 | chinaren

Hello,everyone: Would you like provide me some information about the equipment you use for the stencil cleaning and the solvent that is effective or you are satisfied with the cleaning result? best regards

stencil cleaning

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 14 19:41:06 EDT 2005 | KT

We encounter this kind of issue. We use stencil clean in the stencil printer and also use air to blow aperture after cleaning. We are having some luck !!

Stencil cleaning

Electronics Forum | Tue May 30 16:32:17 EDT 2006 | slthomas

Your aqueous (spray) and ultrasonic methods refer to cleaning of the stencil for storage between jobs. All others would be most common as in-process cleaning methods, whether with cloth or paper products.

Stencil cleaning

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 14 20:05:19 EDT 2006 | Mario Berrocal

I would like to know if there is any information regarding how often to clean the stencil by the printer cleaning system. I am running a board with an ultra fine pithc QFP. Is there any guide available? Regards, Mario A. Berrocal

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