Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 03 16:57:16 EDT 2022 | spacecase
I did clean the nozzles, but some of them are older so I will check and swap out with better looking ones. Thank you for the response, troubleshooting seems to be the main part with these things
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 03 11:31:51 EDT 2022 | proceng1
You described cleaning the spindles and filters, but did you clean the nozzles? Perhaps you got some paste on the nozzle. Also, did you perform the vacuum and blow off testing? Make sure your solenoids are working properly. Is it all 6 heads that
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 03 02:16:55 EDT 2022 | spacecase
Hey I'm having an issue with a samsung 421f component placer. The machine is fine on the first 5 boards then on the 6th or so it just throws them wherever. The problem is the smallest flat components start sticking to the nozzle even after hitting th
Electronics Forum | Fri May 17 04:08:23 EDT 2013 | croma
I am interested about the most effective way to clean the Nozzle for Universal GSM machine and which fluid to use?
Electronics Forum | Fri May 17 04:26:13 EDT 2013 | eniac
I don't know about Universal GSM, but for my Mirae's nozzles I use IPA and small US-bath.
Electronics Forum | Tue May 21 10:20:09 EDT 2013 | swag
We've been using S100 total cycle cleaner for years - diluted in ultrasonic bath for about 10 minutes. Blow dry with medium psi nozzle. Works great.
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 16 11:41:26 EST 2008 | fredc
I think fuji and all the after market suppliers use stainless "hypo" tubing for the tips. It is made from 304 stainless which is normally nonmagnetic. In the process of forming this tubing to the hypo specs it is work hardened to 3/4 to full hardness
Electronics Forum | Fri May 17 08:09:13 EDT 2013 | emeto
Ultrasonic Bath will be always your best choice. For cleaning solution you have to make more research. It will depend on your Nozzles material, company and ultrasonic bath requirements. For some ultrasonic baths alcohol might go in flames(some of the
Electronics Forum | Mon May 20 15:19:50 EDT 2013 | smtventasmex
i been trying to do that with a lot of my customers but they can not clean that well it works for just one time but you have to remember than this parts are platic, and will have some damages, i can sell to you quality nozzles at the best price on th
Electronics Forum | Fri May 17 08:43:46 EDT 2013 | fredcalkins
If you have Flexhead nozzles you need to be careful that whatever solvent you use does not attack the gasket adhesive. I might try a couple of drops of a spray like WD-40 or LPS. Let it soak for a few minutes and blow it out with compressed air. Repe