Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 26 11:16:37 EDT 2008 | realchunks
Do you really want to try and wash a "no-clean" paste?
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 26 13:55:56 EDT 2008 | dyoungquist
Water will not remove no clean flux residues because they are not water soluble. Solder paste with no clean flux should only be used when the assemblies do not need to be cleaned. That said, you can buy special cleaning solvents specifically for re
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 26 12:53:54 EDT 2008 | dwelch123
Tell your assembler they shouldn't wash no clean paste,they will have to use a part stretcher to get parts to fit back on pads!!!??????????????
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 26 10:02:06 EDT 2008 | rdnggbsss1
I am a PCB Designer and I have to put a note on the assembly drawing to tell the assembler how to clean the board. This is new to me. Here is a sample note. Can someone give me some feedback on it? "Use water washable, no clean solder paste for t
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 26 20:54:08 EDT 2008 | davef
As pointed-out above, the downside of telling your supplier how to perform a process can create problems: * It sets the cost of the operation ... I did what you told me to do * Materials selected may be incompatible ... I did what you told me to do *
Electronics Forum | Tue May 30 10:55:57 EDT 2006 | bryanhewson
I am a lay person researching the application of non-woven material in stencil rolls either using branded material or non-branded alternatives for DEK, MPM Panasonic machines in SMT environments. I have read a number of articles referring to aqueous
Electronics Forum | Tue May 30 16:32:17 EDT 2006 | slthomas
Your aqueous (spray) and ultrasonic methods refer to cleaning of the stencil for storage between jobs. All others would be most common as in-process cleaning methods, whether with cloth or paper products.
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 29 21:27:21 EDT 2019 | aqueous
It depends on the flux type. If it's water soluble, it should be cleaned soon after reflow because OA flux remains active after reflow. If it's rosin or no-clean (low-residue), then the only concern is the longer wait time, the more difficult it will
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 19 17:00:39 EDT 2006 | a_laser
The most common rates of in-process cleaning (under wipe) I have encountered are once per 5 to 10 prints. But this depends a on a lot of variables. More often is typically better, but more costly in under-wipe materials. (For some more info see http:
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 14 02:51:44 EST 2001 | genglish
This forum is becoming a salesmans dream! I agree with the first guy, check the archives as there is alot of information about cleaning and media. Our company uses a Kerry SC1000 machine very good process but mechanically we have had problems with t