Electronics Forum: cleaning roll paper (Page 1 of 30)

Re: roll type of cleaning wiper

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 18 14:14:43 EDT 1999 | Ben Kirk

| Please visit our Web site, especially 'link page', to get some hint for roll typr of cleaning wiper for automatic screen printers. http://www.squeegee.co.kr | Its Dumb stunts like this that is running this site for everyone. Spend a few dollars a

Re: roll type of cleaning wiper

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 18 08:15:36 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| Please visit our Web site, especially 'link page', to get some hint for roll typr of cleaning wiper for automatic screen printers. http://www.squeegee.co.kr | Idiot: I wouldn't visit your site if I had to start using toilet paper. Keep your tra

Re: roll type of cleaning wiper

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 18 14:26:36 EDT 1999 | Steve Gregory

| | Please visit our Web site, especially 'link page', to get some hint for roll typr of cleaning wiper for automatic screen printers. http://www.squeegee.co.kr | | | Idiot: I wouldn't visit your site if I had to start using toilet paper. Keep yo

Re: roll type of cleaning wiper

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 18 19:16:28 EDT 1999 | Wayne Bracy

| | | Please visit our Web site, especially 'link page', to get some hint for roll typr of cleaning wiper for automatic screen printers. http://www.squeegee.co.kr | | | | | Idiot: I wouldn't visit your site if I had to start using toilet paper. K

Re: roll type of cleaning wiper

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 18 19:18:28 EDT 1999 | Wayne Bracy

| | | | Please visit our Web site, especially 'link page', to get some hint for roll typr of cleaning wiper for automatic screen printers. http://www.squeegee.co.kr | | | | | | | Idiot: I wouldn't visit your site if I had to start using toilet pap

roll type of cleaning wiper

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 18 07:36:00 EDT 1999 | In-Tec

Please visit our Web site, especially 'link page', to get some hint for roll typr of cleaning wiper for automatic screen printers. http://www.squeegee.co.kr

Re: roll type of cleaning wiper

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 18 07:36:16 EDT 1999 | In-Tec

| Please visit our Web site, especially 'link page', to get some hint for roll typr of cleaning wiper for automatic screen printers. http://www.squeegee.co.kr |

Re: roll type of cleaning wiper

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 18 19:11:14 EDT 1999 | J.H.

| Please visit our Web site, especially 'link page', to get some hint for roll typr of cleaning wiper for automatic screen printers. http://www.squeegee.co.kr | I HAD TO VISIT YOUR SITE TO SEE WHY YOU COULD POSSIBLY THINK THAT IT WAS IMPORTANT E

Re: roll type of cleaning wiper

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 19 12:47:53 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| You clearly violated the "No Advertising" rule, although you may have been unaware of this when posting your message. We regret that we did not have a chance to delete it before it generated so many responses. In order to prevent such incidents f

Re: roll type of cleaning wiper

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 19 16:43:22 EDT 1999 | Cunli Jia

| Cunli: If this offender received and read the message that you listed in "Re: roll type of cleaning wiper - Scott Davies 03:53:17 04/19/1999," then I'm uncertain how one could be more clear. I wonder if some remedial action may be required? TTYL

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