Electronics Forum: closed loop (Page 1 of 15)

Closed loop wash

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 28 16:30:31 EST 2012 | rgduval

We've just acquired a batch washer at an auction, and want to install it as a closed loop system. The only problem is I have no idea where to turn or what to look for for a drain filtering system that will allow us to make it a closed loop system.

Closed loop wash

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 29 11:06:47 EST 2012 | davef

Approaches to getting started are: * Most batch cleaning equipment suppliers provide both open and closed loop options on their machines. Talk to them about upgrading your machine. * There are companies that specialize in supplying closed loop system

Closed loop wash

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 29 11:58:53 EST 2012 | rgduval

Thanks, Dave. As a start-up, we're trying to make it as cost effective as possible. That said, we also want to do it right. We don't want the possibility of the City/State/EPA coming down on us anytime in the future for contaminants being discharg

Closed loop wash

Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 01 13:48:45 EST 2012 | anvil1021

Is this an aqueous wash or chemistry wash? If aqueous you will need a DI water system at your facility. There are several ways of going about that, but there is an initial capital investment. Good luck on your project.....

Closed loop wash

Electronics Forum | Sun Dec 02 19:30:09 EST 2012 | rgduval

It'll be a DI system. As it turns out, we contacted another EMS company down here, and asked them what they did. They pointed us to their supplier. Conveniently, the same company will set up the DI system for us, and the post wash filtering/plum

Aqueous cleaner water disposal

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 27 13:52:24 EDT 2002 | Mike Konrad

MK, In most cases, if the machine is completely closed-looped (prewash, wash, prerinse, rinse, final rinse etc), then the water should not require changing. As with most inline cleaners, there should be a considerable amount of water loss in the cl

Batch Cleaner Closed Loop YES!!! / NO!!! / MAYBE???

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 14 21:16:00 EST 2002 | davef

Has anyone looked at the economics of running a 2meg [min] DI water batch cleaner ... * Open loop * Closed loop What are the assumptions of your analysis? Our inclination is that it is not worth the money to set-up and maintain a closed looper.

Batch Cleaner Closed Loop YES!!! / NO!!! / MAYBE???

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 15 14:19:15 EST 2002 | seand

Hello Dave, With regards to acquiring data and additional insight to cost of ownership and your technical concerns for closed loop recirculation, a good contact for you may be Brian Mahue of Resys. Resys specializes in closed loop recirculation sys

Washable Soldermask on PWB

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 02 14:58:59 EST 2009 | pjc

Yes, thanks, I heard that, but also heard there are some formulations that are closed-loop filtration media friendly.

Batch Cleaner Closed Loop YES!!! / NO!!! / MAYBE???

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 15 10:09:24 EST 2002 | PeteC

The Electrovert AquaJet w/ Closed-Loop runs like $63K to $107, depending on the AJ config. The AJ is like the only batch machine I've seen that is not a glorified dish washer. Justification depends on your application. The batch system takes less spa

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