Electronics Forum: cm232 motor driver (Page 1 of 9)

GSM2 axis driver error, overvoltage / overcurrent

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 23 07:45:39 EST 2016 | bukas

hello, I have a GSM2 machine with faulty motor driver (i guess), usually when this error occurs i would rest it via button on a panel several times, but this time it doesnt work. what should i check/ measure to locate this problem? there is 7 blink

QUAD 4C motor error #5

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 29 05:01:38 EDT 2013 | bobpan

Motor Error 5 is usually an interlock error. Take off the rear right cover and look at the red and green led's on the driver cards. If they are both lit....you have a door open or if you have carts....a feeder base switch is up. Good Luck

QUAD 4C motor error #5

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 29 14:20:17 EDT 2013 | nophsem

Thanks for the response bobpan! LED's on the driver cards work well (green with doors closed and both red&green on with door open), and I don't use the carts. The head doesn't move after power on and inmediately you can listen alarm.

QUAD 4C motor error #5

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 16 11:36:28 EDT 2014 | bobpan

Are both red and green leds on for the driver cards (they are located in the bottom right of the machine). If they are both on then you have an interlock opened. If this is the case....check the side doors....sometimes they are not shut all the way.

Samsung SM45FV NEO Z axis motor change

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 19 07:43:54 EST 2023 | bukas

there is a special tool(cable) used to phase the motor with driver.

Philips Topaz - conveyor motor doesn't work

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 01 10:55:41 EDT 2015 | emeto

Hi, 1. Take a multi meter and measure the voltage - I assume it is a DC motor(probably 24V). If you don't, check power supply,cable, relays and Driver for the motor. If you do have voltage, check sensors(sometimes sensor activated may stop your con

Loud humming noice from X-Wagon motor

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 28 04:14:18 EDT 2011 | kenmar

I have a loud humming noise coming from my MY12 X-Motor ( Like when a motor is not locked in and it hunts). This noise is not all the time but only sometimes especially with fine placement!! What can it be? I do not want to change the Motor to find o

Philips Orion showing a L049 motor error.

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 11 17:02:10 EDT 2015 | adeanda74

Simon, Normally that error is caused by a bad motor but also there is a possibility that a driver board or even the servo board are defective and last but not least check all your cables and connections. finally let me mention that you can also recei

Samsung CP45 Swing Mirror motor replacement

Electronics Forum | Mon May 16 00:33:18 EDT 2016 | wesleyintelli

Our CP45 swing mirror motor (Panasonic AC Servo Motor: MSMA012A3A) recently jammed and required replacement. I replaced the motor with a new one however it won't home. A link to a video of the motor attempting to home can be seen below. I am wonderin

Mydata My9 X MOT motor timeout

Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 12 01:38:47 EDT 2022 | mikevb

I'm having a problem with my Mydata My9 pick and place. Basically whenever I try to run the placement calibration program or try to have the machine find fiducials, or basically anything with precision, the machine displays a X MOT motor timeout erro

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