Electronics Forum: coding erp (Page 1 of 1)

Inventory control of SMT parts

Electronics Forum | Thu May 09 11:12:00 EDT 2002 | pjc

Mydata has a software system that tracks component batch codes to production batch codes and even to serialized PCBs for military applications. This is done via bar-coding or manual data entry. The system also tracks component usage and can back-flus

Informations about Traceability

Electronics Forum | Thu May 22 11:59:48 EDT 2003 | pjc

The following are some companies that supply MRPII / ERP programs for the manufacturing industry. These programs have the ability to store traceablity information from factory automated systems with LAN connections and to receive manual data entry or

Informations about Traceability

Electronics Forum | Fri May 16 10:06:44 EDT 2003 | pjc

Traceability of raw material, personnel and equipment performance during product manufacture: Tracing raw material is done by recording the material mfg.�s batch-code that they assign during the material�s manufacture. This is everything from the fl

Best way to identify moisture sensitive reels on a machine

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 20 14:21:54 EST 2018 | deanm

Thank you all for your feedback. While the new smart reel towers are the ideal, we simply cannot afford them or better pnp equipment at this time. However for the short term, probably putting colored stickers on the reel edge folded over so it is vis

Where Is That #2%&*** Reel????

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 24 11:51:03 EDT 2004 | CT

Our ERP shows when a reel has been allocated to whatever line - done at the kitting stage. It was a long tortuous process, but bar code labeling got us there. Scan out to a job, work order, etc., scan back in when it has been torn down. Not saying w

Sequential against intelligent part number systems

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 10 12:55:33 EDT 2017 | stephendo

I WAS a huge fan of fully coded part numbers. One customer had some part numbers that must have been over 30 characters(maybe some over 40) long and some about 6 or 7. PTH parts can be the worst because it seems like back in the day a 1N4001 was a 1


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