Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 08 08:15:28 EST 2007 | tjcrume
I have received 10 customer returns for a cold solder joint on 1 lead of a 36 pin IC. Everytime it is on the #18 pin. The process is reflow and I can't figure out why the one leg is cold and the other legs look OK.
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 12 10:02:18 EST 2007 | rgduval
A little late to the party here, sorry... Has the joint been verified as a cold solder joint? That is, visually confirmed that it looks like cold solder, and, perhaps, xrayed to confirm the solder status? X-raying may sound a bit extreme, but you'
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 08 08:20:52 EST 2007 | mzaboogie
tjc, Is this pin connected to a heavy conductor or ground plane? Chris
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 08 08:33:08 EST 2007 | jdumont
Most likely ground plane stealing your heat. Increase dwell slightly if you can.
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 08 09:41:23 EST 2007 | SWAG
Check the bare board - could also be an unmasked via on the heel of the pad that is sucking solder into it.
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 08 22:27:45 EST 2007 | davef
What is the measured temperature on: * Pin 1 * Pin 18
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 08 08:54:56 EST 2007 | jhaviland
groundplane not heating properly.. Is it a J leaded IC? sometimes these get bent slightly in the packaging and sit just far enough off the board to cause solder problems.
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 08 09:58:21 EST 2007 | realchunks
Got a picture? Most times I hear this situation it turns out to be a bent leg on a thru-hole transistor that didn't go through the board.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 14 18:42:41 EDT 2009 | anndi
1smtdude, I interested in your explaination of > re-work an underfill part. You mention the > material can be heated to a plastic state to > become vicious... do you know usually what range > is the temperate? (guess it can depend on the > type
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 04 10:59:02 EST 2014 | rrosera
HI, I work for a company in New England and recently had a unusually large number of boards fail after replacing a BGA on them. We use a AirVac DRS25 to remove and replace the BGA witch uses local forced hot air. We usually have at least a 90% s