Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 14 06:00:27 EDT 2004 | sc
dear, appreciate the sharing of experience on detection tools of cold soldering defect on PCBA. thanks SC
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 14 06:00:31 EDT 2004 | sc
dear, appreciate the sharing of experience on detection tools of cold soldering defect on PCBA. thanks SC
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 15 11:44:46 EDT 2004 | mriddle
Dear SC, Are you looking for a cold solder detection tool for SMT,through-hole or both?
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 06 19:53:32 EST 2004 | jj
Hi, Any idea what's the possible causes of cold solder after drop test? Thanks JJ
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 12 21:06:48 EDT 2010 | ptpaazmi
COLD SOLDER LOCATION U600/U601 Problem : Several XMp3i Rotary swithes were found to exibit intermittent function during a DV build at WNC
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 07 07:16:25 EST 2004 | davef
Cold solder prior to properly performing a well designed drop test. Actually, "cold solder" means different things to different people. Two dull solder connection conditions are: * "Disturbed" solder joint: a solder joint that has an "angular face
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 24 20:15:27 EDT 2010 | davef
What is ... and how does it pertain? * Location U600/U601 * XMp3i Rotary swithes * DV build * WNC
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 27 00:45:41 EDT 2005 | pavel_murtishev
Good morning, I can recommend to use solder paste softeners, which can prepare solder paste for printing process. Softeners rise paste temperature by means of pseudo-planetary motion. Therefore, solder paste reaches room temperature during only 15
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 07 15:42:08 EST 2005 | chunks
Whoa! What the heck was that!? A commercial post?
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 07 15:52:03 EST 2005 | Burgandy
Looks like a commercial to me....!