Electronics Forum: collecting (Page 1 of 42)

Old ovens - anyone have one collecting dust?

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 17 13:52:56 EDT 2012 | comatose

We have an old (dinosaur, 1992 vintage) heller 988 that we use for shrinking heat shrink, curing, low temperature stuff. We need another similar oven for expanded production. Essentially any reliable, running, non-lead-free three four or five zone ov

Old ovens - anyone have one collecting dust?

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 18 05:47:12 EDT 2012 | sarason

Does it have to be flow through or is a closed door 200 litre storage oven suitable? regards sarason?

Old ovens - anyone have one collecting dust?

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 18 06:19:46 EDT 2012 | jam

we have a 1809 EXL one (reflow oven/lead free approved)

Old ovens - anyone have one collecting dust?

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 19 11:09:40 EDT 2012 | deanm

We have a Quad ZCR 4 zone we are not using since upgrading in March. Running condition. Call me at 717-939-2300x292. Thanks!

Manufacturing faults - data collection systems

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 14 10:58:12 EDT 2004 | heatherc

Aegis software offers an MES system that offers both automated and manual data collection points. All of the data collected is automatically deposited in one central database. This database is then used for generating all of the SPC reports for ana

Quality Data collection Systems

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 30 09:02:25 EST 2004 | tellinghuisen

What is everyone using for collection of Quality data? I have seen people using home grown systems, as well as systems by Unicam. Just trying to get a feel for what software is out there.

Quality Data collection Systems

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 02 13:11:27 EST 2004 | mapell

Not quite sure what you want to collect but you might want to check out http://www.aiscorp.com later marc

X/Y & Turrets

Electronics Forum | Tue May 31 08:54:56 EDT 2005 | dougs

it's a collect and place as the head is fitted onto a moving gantry, therefore it collects all the parts and moves to the placement position and places them. thats my understanding of it anyway.

The SMT Step-by-Step Collection 2006

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 07 12:02:40 EST 2008 | jdumont


SMT Thru-hole Data Collection

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 24 12:25:14 EST 1999 | Mark Milward

I'm trying to get a feel for what the industry is doing with regards to collecting assembly defect data in the SMT/PWA process. Is it sampling or 100%? What are the points within the process where critical assembly defect data is collected. We run a

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