Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 17 14:35:53 EDT 1998 | Dale Eble
There is a company named Cencorp in Longmont, Colorado that makes depaneling equipment. They are used extensively for boards, including processor modules e.g, Pentium II / Power PC. - They were working on version for BGA - they may have something no
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 02 14:15:42 EDT 2004 | bcceng
X-RAY, X-RAY and X-RAY.. to optimize your reflow process when using BGA's you have to use your reflow profile hand to hand with your x-ray process.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 15 02:33:37 EDT 1999 | jeff ferry
| Anyone know a independent PCB inspection of BGA (X-Ray). We have several test boards that need BGA inspection. | One more source. Circuit Technology Center. Both X-ray services on Nicolet X-ray systemm and BGA rework on Air-Vac and OK Internation
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 06 08:22:05 EDT 2000 | jackofalltrades
BGA's are not difficult, but should be inspected no matter how careful you are. Here we have been doing bga's forever and x-ray 100%. Without an x-ray there is no good way to ensure the BGA is placed properly, without bridging or insufficients. If yo
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 18 11:36:37 EDT 2001 | Gil Zweig
Guidelines for the use of x-ray inspection for BGA can be found in IPC Stadard 7095.
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 18 11:41:20 EDT 2001 | Gil Zweig
Guidelines for the use of x-ray inspection for BGA can be found in IPC Stadard 7095.
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 31 16:56:46 EDT 1998 | Steve Zweig
Check out www.glenbrooktech.com for x-ray systems
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 14 12:39:31 EST 2010 | gregcr
Hi All, We have a glenbrook x-ray in house, but I am in need of a high resolution x-ray of some failed BGA image sensors. Does anyone know of a company that does hi-res or 3D x-ray service? We are not getting enough detail to really see what may be
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 19 13:40:05 EDT 2000 | Dave White
Hi !! Test and Measurement World has pretty good website with graphics to help you interpret BGA fault types...just type in BGA and X-Ray once you arrive at the site. Best Regards, Dave White PDR/XYtronic Rework and X-Ray systems
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 08 09:37:20 EDT 1999 | Rob C
Anyone know a independent PCB inspection of BGA (X-Ray). We have several test boards that need BGA inspection.